Spring Term 2016
Maddy, Alicia and Katie came back triumphant from a cricket tournament at Caythorpe cricket club. Go Girls!
Year 5 were arranging their canvas today. It's looking good so far! They all worked together and encorporated all the creative images they had made.
Year 5 have been designing their R.E. canvas to show the story of Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat and the morals of the story. Some of the children have enjoyed reading the bible together in small groups.
What a great week year 5 have had with lots of learning taking place. We have been learning about fractions, decimals and subtraction in Maths.
Today we watched the David Guetta- Titanium video and tried to establish what had happened to the young boy in the video, we infered that he may have been picked on by his peers which led us into the discussion of how to deal with anger. The children then began writing a piece of decription linked to the video, Steven wrote:
If I was not scared, If I was not worried, if I didn't start an earthquake and made it hit the school then this would never have happened. A teacher was stood on the phone to the police, I sprinted down the corridor, I was very puzzled. Suddenly, a hole was in the floor, I had to jump over it and hanging tarantulas were in front of me.
Friday afternoon, Mr Clay set Year 5 a challenge. The challenge was to build a tower that was 1 metre tall that could hold a cup and a pint of water without collapsing. We dicussed scaffolding as a class and what was important when building structures. The children went off in teams to try and build their towers. Below are some of the finished projects:
Not all of the groups towers could hold the water, however two groups did. They are pictured here.
W/C 04.01.16
This week we have created some magical poems, seen how we 'measure' up in Maths and begun to explore our world through maps. Swimming continues on a Wednesday and our P.E slot has moved to Thursday. A great first week back with lots done.
W/C 11.01.16
This week we have continued to look at poetry and have recapped on place value.
W/C 18.01.16
This week we have continued our poetry project and started to plan our own poems about the classroom. In Maths we looked at addition and subtraction using the FROG method and blank number lines.
W/C 25.01.16
This week we have finished our poems and performed them to the class. We have continued to look at addition and subtraction.
W/C 01.02.16
This week we have moved on to looking at statistics and linked this to our ICT work. We are also learning about persuasive language and how to write a persuasive letter. In art we have experimented with different materials and techniques.
W/C 08.01.16
This week some of year 5 and 6 went to France and had a wonderful time. Those who stayed behind joined with the rest of year 6. They worked in teams on a range of activities, one being a geography project which finished with each of them participating in a group presentation.
W/C 22.02.16
This week started with a visit to Carre's Grammar School for a Science lesson. We started Football and Dance in P.E., looked at fractions and began our story work with Jeremy Strong texts.
W/C 29.02.16
This week we began an art project based on the British value of 'tolerance of other cultures, faiths and beleifs'. We continued with our fraction work and dressed to impress for World Book Day.