

What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?


Initially have a conversation with your child’s class teacher and express your concerns. If you are still concerned please speak to Mrs Sophie McCordick (SENDco).


How will the school respond to my concern?


We will have a meeting and discuss your concerns. An agreed action plan will be made and the school will liaise with the family and the class teacher to ensure everyone is sharing relevant information.


How will school decide if my child needs extra support?


The class teacher, SENDco and head teacher will make a decision based on the evidence of your child’s academic and personal progress in class. You and your child will be involved in deciding the next steps and in setting relevant targets.


What will the school do to support my child?


We will agree on specific targets for your child to work towards. These targets will be given a time scale and the class teacher will set up additional support. This could be 1:1, group work or particular resources to support your child. Your child’s targets will be reviewed a minimum of once a term at parents evening or arranged meeting with the SENDco and class teacher. Sometimes external agencies and specialists will come into the school to support your child. The SENDco will inform you of any agencies involvement and will always request your permission.


Who will support my child in school?


Your child will be supported by:

  • The class teacher
  • Additional adults (teaching assistant, pastoral co-ordinator, SENDco)
  • Additional professionals that enter the school


What training and experience do staff have for the additional support my child needs?


All the staff in school are involved in twilight trainings and regular meetings to update current procedures. There are also a number of staff who hold the following specialist qualifications and training.

  • Autism Early Bird (Autism outreach training)
  • Speech and Language
  • OLJ
  • Alpha and Omega (dyslexia support)
  • Medical training; First Aid, convulsions, anaphylaxis training, catheter insertion.
  • Read Write Inc
  • Toe by Toe and Word Wasp (dyslexia and dyspraxia)
  • Precision teaching
  • Growing talk
  • ELSA
  • Lego therapy


Who else might be involved in supporting my child?


External agencies and professionals work with the school to support our pupils. The school SENDco will arrange with professionals if it has been identified that your child will benefit from their intervention. We have a great relationship with the local community and have regular contact with the following agencies.

  • Listening Lady - counsellor
  • Educational Psychologist
  • STT – specialist teaching team
  • SEND Outreach and specialist social communication teacher
  • Working Together Team – Autism Outreach service
  • CAMHS – child and adolescent mental health services; family therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, social workers and nurses.
  • SALT – speech and language therapists
  • Family Action – Lincolnshire family support services in North Kesteven.
  • School nurses and health visitors
  • Lincolnshire Parent Partnership service
  • Sleaford Children’s centre – homestart, parenting courses, support, training, baby groups etc.
  • LCGL training services - Lincolnshire Centre for Grief and Loss
  • Paediatricians
  • Parent support advisors
  • Social workers and Family support workers
  • ESCO – early support care coordination service
  • EMTET – Ethnic Minority and Traveller Education team
  • NALDIC – National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum
  • EWO – Education Welfare Officers

What support will be there for my child’s emotional and social well-being?


The emotional and social well-being of your child is of great importance to us. Small group work and 1:1 support is available in school. We have staff who are ELSA and Lego therapy trained. External agencies also come into school to offer support to pupils. The school has a clear anti-bullying and behaviour policy and the rewards and sanctions are used to support your child’s behaviour. The class teacher, head teacher and SENDco will always liaise and work in unison with the family when implementing and dealing with social and emotional problems in school and at home. We will only administer prescribed medicine with parental consent and our staff are trained to do so.

How will my child be involved in the process and be able to contribute their views?


Your child will be involved in setting their own personal targets, planning and reviewing their progress.  Children who require 1:1 support will be able to share their thoughts and feelings with their key worker. Your child’s view will also be captured in social stories and creative outlets.


How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s need?


The class teacher will cater for the learning style of all the pupils in the classroom through high quality teaching. Additional adult support in the classroom allows for different teaching styles such as 1:1 focus and group work. Extra curricular activities and after school clubs will support the further development of skills. Church lane primary School has invested in Apple technology and the children get the opportunity on a daily basis to use ICT during their lessons. Pupils will be put into level sets for different core subjects to ensure the level of work is suitable.


What opportunities will there be for me to discuss my child’s attainment and achievement? How will I know how well my child is progressing?


Your child will be formally and informally tested through out the year to gauge their progress and attainment. School reports are sent out twice a year and parents evening is held twice a year. Your class teacher will keep you informed of your child’s development throughout the year. If there are any achievements or concerns raised about your child, the class teacher will make sure you are informed. Parents can write, call or set up a meeting with the class teacher if they want to discuss their child’s attainment and achievement. Reading diaries are sent home with your child and you are able to write comments to the class teacher. The class teacher lets out the pupils at the end of the day. Parents are welcome to have an informal discussion with the class teacher during this time. In some instances, behaviour charts will be sent home to the parents to share their child’s progress on a day-to-day basis.


How does the school know how well my child is doing?


The school uses the government guidelines to measure achievement and track progress. Pupils are measured against age- expected expectations, standardized assessments, SATS, pupil targets and reading and spelling ages. All staff working directly with you child monitors their progress very closely. Data is collected and analyzed every term to ensure progress is being achieved.



How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?


We have a breakfast club that runs from 8.00am every day, and after school clubs until 5.00pm Monday to Thursday. All children are welcome to attend these clubs which are run by school staff, and we will endeavour to provide support to enable all pupils to attend. We have a regular programme of school trips, including trips related to current topics and other curriculum areas. All children will have the opportunity to go on a residential trip. These have included trips to Paris and areas in the UK such as Norfolk and London.


We ensure that we have enough adults on trips to enable all children to take part. Sometimes this means that we ask parents or other volunteers to help.


How accessible is the school environment? How accessible is the curriculum?


The school is fully accessible to wheelchairs and there is an accessible disabled toilet.
We carry out an accessibility survey annually to ensure that there are no problems, and this is carried out more regularly should the need arise.
We use Apple Mac technology to support children’s learning, and use specific equipment and resources to support individual and specific needs. iPads, laptops and computers are available for the pupils to use in school. The SENDco arranges support for parents and children whose first language is not English. The school also has access to a Comlinc telephone access service that allows three way conversations and translation.


How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school?


The school offers a smooth transition process for new starters and current pupils moving into the next academic year. Techniques employed by the class teacher and introductions through the head teacher, class teacher and SENDco allow your child and yourself to feel comfortable in the school environment. Taster sessions and tours of the school can be arranged so your child becomes familiar with their new surroundings. Information packs about the school are available and uniform is easily available.


How will the school prepare and support my child to transfer to a new setting?


When pupils move up to secondary school, the class teacher and SENDco are heavily involved in the transition process. Pupils are taken for taster days at their chosen secondary school and the transition coordinators are asked to visit the school and introduce the pupils to the new routines. Information about your child will be shared with their new class teacher. Church lane primary School prides itself on the close relationships with the secondary schools in the surrounding areas. We work hard to ensure there is a smooth transition into your child’s new setting.


How can I be involved in supporting my child?


You can support your child at home through paired reading, listening to your child read and assisting your child with their homework. The school calendar is busy with events and we are always looking for helpers and volunteers to support the school.


How can I access support for my family and myself?


If you are seeking support, arrange a meeting with the school SENDco or the head teacher. The school have close links with many external agencies and we are always happy to support and guide parents to available help. Lincolnshire County Council has published a local offer that is accessible to everyone. Lincolnshire’s Family directory service allows you to search for an agency or a service.


Who can I contact for further information?


For more information please contact Mrs Sophie McCordick at Church Lane primary School.

Tel: 01529 302696

[email protected]


 What is an EHCP?