Spring Term 2025
This half term PE is on Monday and Tuesday.
Please don't forget to read five times per week.
This week some of us have gone on an amazing trip to Paris! Those of us who haven't have created our own book about mythical creatures which you can find in the school library. We have also explored our times tables and art skills this week.
This week we have contined to explore decimals in Maths. Looking at their relationships with fractions and how to find their equivalent fractions. This week in English we have written up our own playscript report based on an event in Harry Potter or school and we are hoping to record them when we get back from half term.
This week we have begun to explore decimal places in Maths and the difference between having tenths, hundredths and thousandths as decimals. This week we have begun to explore how to write a broadcast report playscript based on Harry Potter.
We have completed our music unit for this half term looking at sound, tempo and pitch.
This week we have contined to explore Algebra in Maths - looking at different values within a formula and problem soving with Algebra. This week the children have created their own horror tales based on the Alma video we have been writing together over the last few weeks.
In non core this week we have looked at PSHE and focused on exploring how we can reach and attain our goals.
This week we have contined to explore Algebra in Maths - looking at creating equations and solving them. We have continued looking at Alma's tale this week and started planning and drafting our own horror stories.
In non core this week we have begun to explore the biomes of the world.
This week we have begun to explore Algebra in Maths - looking at function machines and rules for fomulae. Our English has focused on the short film Alma and creating our own version of this tale in preparation for writing our own horror tale.
In non-core this week we have explored The Wars of the Roses, the life of Richard III and his defeat at the Battle of Bosworth.