
Spring Term 2023

PE: This term we have PE Monday and Tuesday. 

Homework: This term we will have less homework on Purple Mash and more handwriting and spellings. These will go out on a Friday.

Contact: I am always available to discuss your child or their progress. If you call in to the office or email me I am happy to discuss with you. 



Week Commencing 27th March 2023

This week we have dived further in to Maths. Looking at shapes and angles. 

We have been exploring sugar art - modelling using the icing on top of biscuits. We really enjoyed this activity and the freedom it gave us to explore in Art.  

Week Commencing 20th March 2023

This week we have finalised our Highwayman stories for English and explored statistics further - looking at dual bar charts and the mean in Maths. 

We have been exploring origiami and paper art this week in Art. The children showed a lot of enthusiasm for this subject.  

Week Commencing 13th March 2023


This week we have been drafting our own Highwayman inspired stories. The children have shown lots of imagination and ideas. We have started looking at statistics in Maths.

We have been exploring desert biomes in our Geography work.

Week Commencing 6th March 2023

This week we have begun to take inspiration from The Highwayman and have been planning our own text based on this story. We have looked at percentages in Maths. 

We have been exploring how society has changed during History for our topic work this week. 


Week Commencing 27th February 2023

This week we have continued to explore our new English text - looking at expanded noun phrases and the use of dialogue. We have begun looking at fraction and decimal equivalence during Maths lessons. 

We have been exploring how Muslim's follow the straight path during our RE sessions this week.


Week Commencing 20th February 2023

This week we have begun to explore our new text for English. The Highwayman. We have explored the use of metaphors and similes as well as looking at practical punctuation like colons and semi colons. We have begun exploring decimal numbers for Maths. 

We have started to explore barriers in gymnastics and have looked in to the rainforest biome for Geography. 


Week Commencing 6th February 2023

This week half of the class have been on a trip to Paris. Those of us that remained have been exploring coding, looking at different art techniques and participating in maths and english sessions focused around our own needs. 


Week Comencing 30th  January 2023

 This week we have continued looking at Algebra in Maths. We have learnt how to solve more complex two step equations and solve problems with unknowns. In English we published our encyclopedias - creating a book of our own which we will be able to take home after we have finished sharing them with the rest of the school. 

In our non-core sessions we have looked at perspective and realism in Art. We have explored the British Empire for History as well as how perceptions of the monarchy have changed over the years and why. We looked at how Disco influences pop and created our own music loops using ICT. 

Week Commencing 23rd January 2023


This week we have continued looking at Algebra in Maths. We have learnt how to substitute different amounts for variables, form equations and solve simple one step equations. We have transcribed our encyclopedias ready to publish them next week. 


In our non-core sessions we have looked at the features of disco in music. We have studied The Restoration in our History sessions and explored biomes on Earth during Geography.  


Week Commencing 16th January 2023

This week we have moved on to looking at Algebra in maths. The children have been looking at how to use function machines and form expressions. In English we have been writing up our own Encyclopedias about our own mythical beasts. I'm really excited to read these when they are finished. 

In our non-core sessions we have looked at the emergence of Disco in music. We have explored fossils and evidence for evolution in Science. We set our own targets in PSHE and created spreadsheets in ICT. For our next ICT unit we have created our own blog on purple mash and the children are invited to complete this blog whenever they like. 

Week Commencing 9th January 2023

This week we have been looking at ratio in maths. The children have been looking at how to solve problems involving scale drawings and ratio in practical situations. Our English work has been focused on the mythical beasts - we have explored colons, semi colons, modals, syonyms and passive voice. I have been impressed with the chidlren's writing this week. 

In our non-core sessions we have looked at the Five Pillars of Islam in RE, Queen Elizabeth I and how she managed to manipulate her image in History, Evolution and the idea of Natural Selection in Science, spreadsheets in ICT and setting our own goals and dreams in PSHE. Our PE this term is Tag Rugby on a Tuesday and Dance Lobo led dance sessions on a Monday morning. The children have enjoyed both of these sessions this week. 

Week Commencing 5th January 2023

A great first couple of days back. Lovely to see the children with their own pencil cases and belongings - it has given them a real sense of pride in their work. We have started our new English unit on the book Mythopedia and have begun our Ratio unit in Maths.