
Autumn Term 2024

This half term PE is on a Monday and a Tuesday

Please don't forget to read five times a week and log on boom reader. 

Week 14

This week we have focused on RE - continuing to explore how the teachings of the bible effects the choices made by regular Christians and those that are famous. We looked at Natural Selection in Science and explored how survival of the fittest is influenced by inheritance. We have explored negative space in sculpture work for art. We have also prepared for Christmas with a panto and carols round the tree. 

Week 13

This week we have created our own Christmas cards with electrical circuits for Design and Technology.  We have contined to explore ratio in our Maths lessons. In History we have continued to explore King John and the reliability of the legends that surround him. 

Week 12

This week we have begun our own persuasive letters to the Grinch to convince him to return the presents to Whoville. Our Maths work has focused on ratio and proportions.

During non core we have explored why we don't have four seasons in all areas of Earth and how this is influenced by the Earth's tilt on its axis. 

Week 11

This week we have continued writing a shared persuasive letter to Scrooge. We have continued trying to persuade him to participate in Christmas. Our Maths lessons have begun to focus on measures. 

During non core we have explored impasto art using acrylics. 

Week 10 

This week has been assessment week. We have experienced our first taste of the end of KS2 Assessments. During our Maths lessons we have continued our journey exploring fractions. 

Our non core work has explored inheritance and variation during Science lessons this week. Meanwhile in Geography we have begun to look at how the Earth's position in space affects the seasons on Earth. 

Week 9

This week in English we have been writing a shared persuasive letter to Scrooge - trying to persuade him to take part in Christmas and help those less fortunate. Our Guided Reading has moved on to Road to Freedom where we are exploring a young slave's journey to freedom on the underground railroad. 

Our non core work has focused on King John as a monarch during our History lessons this week - exploring how significant his reign has been for all future generations of the monarchy. Our Science lessons have focused on animal adaptations to extreme environments. 

Week 8

 This week we have explored the shape and structure of a persuasive letter. We have also explored the setting and story of 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens. In Maths we have learnt about equivalent fractions and how to compare fractions. 

 Our non core work has focused on William the Conqueror as a monarch - Looking at how his reign changed the UK during her History lessons. 

Week 7

 This week we have continued to create our own horror/suspense stories based on Thornhill. We have begun exploring our new Oracy curriculum in more depth and the children have been practicing their stem sentences. 

 Our non core work has focused on classification of animals and plants in Science lessons where we classified animals and then created our own branching databases for plant classification. We looked at the ten commandments and the greatest commandment in RE - focusing on how these affect the way Christians behave. 

Week 6

This week we have begun writing our own version of a horror/suspense story based on Thornhill. Our Oliver Twist work has come to an end and we have finished the book this week. In our Maths sessions we have explored division and practiced this skill. 

Our non core work has focused on Geography - where we explored Russia, and Art - where we explored the idea of shape and space.

Week 5

This week we have continued to explore the ghostly mystery of Thornhilll for writing. We have explored more of Oliver Twist this week - with a big shocking paragraph ending. In our Maths we have explored multiplication by single and two digits. 

Our non core work has focused on Music and PSHE sessions. 

Week 4

This week we have continued exploring the ghostly mystery of Thornhill and tracking Ella's story. We have read more of Oliver Twist and looked at how dark a person Bill is. In our Maths we have explored factors and multiples. 

Our non core work has focused on Art this week - exploring layering materials and creaing different shades and tones using lines. We have continued to look at our Dance to the Matilda song 'Naughty' and develop the choreography. 

Week 3

This week we have started a new text - a ghostly mystery called Thornhill. Our Reading has focused on chapter 2 of Oliver Twist and explored his arrival in London and the intention of characters who befriend him. In Maths we have explored addition and subtraction this week.

Our non core has focused on exploring China for Geography and Online safety - exploring what we should and shouldn't share online as well as safety symbols. 

Week 2

This week we have completed our own postcards in the role of a fairytale villain from prison. We have started Oliver Twist for guided reading and explored life in the workhouse. In our Maths lessons we have continued to look at place value and rounding. 

Our non core has focused on History - where we explored the vents of 1066.

Week 1

This week we have foused on settling back in. We have practiced the school rules. In English we explored a fairy tale villain postcard from prison based on Goldilocks. We have also looked at place value in Maths.