
Autumn Term 2019

2nd - 20th December

We have been working hard this half term. Looking more in depth at Crime and Punishment before visiting a prison to see how punishment worked in the more recent past as well as conducting our own Science experiments to investigate how and why witch trials worked. 


After completing our Crime and Punishment unit we moved on to our Christmas preparations. The choir visited the local homes to sing and we attended our yearly pantomime! We also created a variety of Christmas decorations using our design and art skills...


W/C 11th November

We started the week by remembering those who have died in wars, by observing a 2 minutes silence in assembly. We created poppies, to cover an image of a solider to display within the school. We talked about why we wear poppies on Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day and also talked about the different coloured poppies and their meanings. 

In English this week, we have been developing the use of semi colon's and dashes, in our writing about the Gunpowder Plot and The Great Fire of London. 

In Maths, we have continued our work on fractions, looking at ordering, comparing and moving on to adding and subtracting fractions. 

In topic, we have been continuing to learn about Crime and Punishment, looking specifically at the punishments given to people who were suspected of being witches. We have started to link this to our Science, where we planned an investigation to prove that witches can't be made of bones, as bones sink!! 

Friday was Children in Need, we all dressed up in our pyjamas to help raise money for an important cause! Thank you to everyone that brought in money to help us raise as much money as possible. 

W/C 4th November

A great first week back for year 6, who have been working extremley hard

We have been learning about the Stuart period of History, including the monarchs that reigned, the Great Fire of London, the Gunpowder Plot and the types of punishments that existed. 

In Maths, we have been looking at fractions, zpecifically comparing fractions. 

On Friday, we had a visit from the 'Music Man', who showed us some instruments, including; trumpet, clarinet, flute and saxophone. We discussed which family they belonged to and the reasons why they belong there. The Music Man also helped us understand how the instruments work and all the parts needed to help make it work. He played some tunes that we recognised so we were able to sing along to them and some of us even got to play the clarinet and saxophone!

We also took part in a seat belt safety workshop, where we had to make a car for an egg out of card, cellotape, blue tac and bubble wrap. We then sent these cars down a ramp into some bricks, to see if our egg could 'survive'. This helped us not only learn about the importance of wearing a seat belt, but also the importance of wearing a cycle helmet. 

W/C 14th October

The final week of term has been just as busy as the rest of the term. In Maths we have be learning about BODMAS as well as squared and cubed numbers. 

In English, we have been looking at the use of active and passive voice and writing using the correct tense. We then drafted and edited a Biography on Dick Turpin and wrote it up in neat. 

In topic this week, we started to learn about the Tudors and Crime and Punishment in Tudor times.


W/C 7th October

In Year 6 this week, we have been working hard in Maths, continuing to develop our knowledge of division, looking at dividing 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers. 

In English, we have been looking at Biographies, identifying key features and planning our own Biography on Dick Turpin. 

We have been learning about the Normans, in Topic, looking at who they were and what they did. 

In RE, we looked through some passages in the Bible, in order to find the creation story. We then planned out how we could recreate this using ICT, which we will do next week. 

W/C 30th September

This week in Maths we have been extending our knowledge of multiplication and division as well as learning about factors and multiples. 

In English, we have been drafting our big write based on the Highwayman. We had to create our own alternative ending to the story. 

In topic, we have been researching the Anglo-Saxons, looking specfically where they invaded. With this information, we then created a newspaper report.

To end the week, we finished with our Sleaford Day. We researched about a local derelict building called Bass Maltings, we looked into why it was derelict and the dangers of entering such a building. We then used Bass Maltings as a setting to create our own piece of Drama. 

W/C 23rd September

Another busy week in Year 6, this week we have been planning our own ending to the Highwayman, including; similies, metaphors, alliteration. 

In Maths we have developed our knowledge of negative numbers and been developing adding and subtracting using the column. 

In topic, we created a fact file on Roman Crime and Punishment, did you know that the Romans sent crimals to fight against animals such as Lions!

We ended the week with Roald Dahl Day. We came to school in some fantastic fancy dress costumes, including; Miss Trunchbull, Fantastic Mr Fox, Sophie and the BFG (just to name a few). We read a short extract from Roald Dahl's autobiography 'Boy' about chocolates, we then wrote our own descriptions of our favourite chocolates/sweets. 


W/C 16th September

This week in Maths we have been developing our understanding of place value further, specifically looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000. We then used this understanding to carry out reasoning and problem solving questions. 

In English, we have been developing writing with purpose, using similies, alliteration and interesting sentence openers. We have used the Highwayman as a stimulus for this writing. 

We have linked our work on the Highwayman and Crime and Punishment to our Art and have sketched, planned and created prints, initially in black and white, then adding colour. 


To finish off the week, on Friday we had a talk from the PCSO's regarding road safety. We talked about how to be safe on the roads and how to combat the number of cars on the road, by using sustainable methods and public transport. 

W/C 9th September

We have had a very busy first full week in Year 6. In English, we have started to read the Highwayman, we linked this to our Art work and scetched what we thought the Highwayman would look like, using the text to support us. We have also been learning about Metaphors and have been writing our own. 

In Maths, we have been looking at place value for numbers up to 10 million, which is the value represented by a digit in a number on the basis of its position in the number.

In guided reading, we have read the first chapter of Oliver Twist, answering questions about Oliver and his character. 

We continued with our work in PSHE about hopes and goals, we also discussed any worries that we have for Year 6. We created worry spirals, to whisk our worries away!


W/C 4th September

As a class and as a school we have spent the first few days making sure we have the skills we need to succeed at Church Lane!

Being older we have focused on being part of creating a new behaviour policy for the school and making sure that our classroom shows we own and understand these new rules.



We have also been learning how to create and expand our mind maps – making them more complicated and linking them together ready for a step up in how we use them.

We then practiced our protractor and ruler skills – checking we could measure accurately while playing a game.

We developed our teamwork, leadership and communication skills through a series of problem solving games.

We revisited Scratch in computing, reminding ourselves of the commands and how to code, creating some interesting animations!