
Summer Term 2024


PE is on Tuesday and a Thursday.  

Homework will be set on Purple Mash on a Friday and is due in the following Friday.

Children will be given spelling sheets, with spelling to practice every night, this needs to be returned on a Friday. 

Children are asked to read at home a minimum of five times a week, please log reads on the Boom Reader App. 

W/C 8th July

We have had another great week in Year 5. We have completed all of our Maths, completing our unit on Volume, by completing work on Comparing Volume, Estimating Volume and finally estimating capacity. 

In English, we have continued with our Sentence Stacking lessons, on our Poetry Unit, writing three more verses on 'The Most aAnnoying Animal in the World'. 

This week has been Design and Technology week. We looked at the design brief and created our own Design Criteria. Next, we looked at research into Toy Electric Cars and made our own plans, drawing a circuit diagram and an exploded diagram of our design. Then, we started making our toy cars, by measuring and cutting the wood, using glue guns to glue the frame together and making sure our electrical circult works. We will continue making our toy cars next week. 

On Friday, we enjoyed taking part in our very first Carnival. We took part in a Music workshop, where we learnt how to play steel drums. We learnt a Samba dance, created our own Carnival head-dresses and made and tried some Caribbean food. We thoroughly enjoyed our carnival parade and performing our dance to all the parents, friends and family who came to watch! 

W/C 1st July

Another busy week in Year 5! We have completed our work on converting units looking at converting metric to imperial units. We then looked at units of time and then calculating timetables. We then moved onto our unit on volume, starting with cubic centimetres. 

In English, we have started our poetry unit, based on the poem, 'The most dangerous animal in the world'. We started off by looking at the shape of the poem and finding the rhyming structure, before completing some research on annoying animals and then finding rhyming words to use in our own poem at the end of our sentence stacking lessons. 

We completed our end of unit tests on the Mayans in History and on the Global market in Geography. 

We also completed some Computing, planning and creating our own games, before sharing them for our peers to have a go at. 

We also had our community Police come into school to runa Mini Police workshop, this time we were looking at Anti-Social behaviour.

To finish off the week, we took part in our Sports Day on Friday. The children took part in a round robin of events in the morning, working in their house teams to score as many points as possible, before competing in some races in the afternoon. Well done to Rashford House who were thr KS2 winners. 

W/C 24th June

This week has been assessment week. The children in Year 5, have worked extremely hard on their Maths, Reading and Science assessments and should be proud of themselves. We have also completed our independent write, a persuasive letter regarding banning single-use plastic in schools. 

We have also managed to squeeze in some more maths, looking at converting units. We first looked at millimetres and millilitres and then focused on units of length. 

In Geography, we completed our final lesson where we compared Brazil's exports to the UK's. In History, we completed our final lesson on the Mayan's, answering the question, Did the Mayan's really predict the end of the world?!

We also completed another RE lesson on Sikhism, looking at what they believe about equality. 

Next week it will be our Sports Day, please ensure your child has a t-shirt in their house colour for Friday. 

W/C 17th June

A busy week in Year 5! We have completed our work on negative numbers in Maths and have moved onto converting units, where we started with converting kilograms and kilometres. 

In English, we have completed all of our sentence stacking lessons in our non-fiction unit on plastic pollution. We started our independent write, by re-caping our learning and creating our own success criteria. Next week, we are going to plan, write and edit our persuasive writing. 

In Geography, we looked at the Uk's biggest exports and why they are mostly manufactured goods. In History, we looked at the Maya and how they used cacoa beans. In RE, we continued our work on Sikhism, looking at what happens in the langar. 

This week, we also enjoyed learning about Japanese drums and we had a go at playing them, finishing in a class performace. 


W/C 10th June

Another great week in Year 5! We have smashed through all our work on decimals, looking at multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. We then moved onto our next unit of negative numbers. 

In English, we have completed some more sentence stacking on our non-fiction writing on plastic pollution. We wrote some sentences, imagining a world without pollution and some other looking at the change we want to make. 

In Geography, we looked at the different trade routes around the world. We focused specifically on the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal. 

In History, we looked at how the Ancient Maya used to trade. We learnt about their marketplaces and how they bartered, before looking at how they travelled and the routes that they used. 

In Art, we learnt about hoe artists use space and colour to create illusion. 

On Thursday, a number of children spent the day at Carre's Grammar School and Kesteven Girls High School, for a Year 5 taster day. I hope you had a great time! 

W/C 3rd June

A great first week back, Year 5 have jumped straight back into their learning! In Maths, we have been continuing our work on decimals, adding and subtracting numbers with a different number of decimal places. We then moved onto efficient strategies for adding and subtracting, before looking at decimal sequences. 

In English, we have continued our work on our non-fiction writing, based around plastic pollution. We completed 4 sentence stacking lessons and another experience day, looking at the governments position on single-use plastic. 

In History, we have carried on with our unit on the Ancient Maya, looking at the Maya calendar and why it was an important change. 

In Geography, we started our new unit whhich looks at how money travels around the world. We started by looking at the global market and what trade is, including the goods that are exported and imported to and from the UK. 

In RE, we started our new learning on Sikhism, by looking at the main beliefs of Sikhism. 

We also started two new units on PE, Athletics and Cricket!

W/C 20th May

A great last week of the half term in Year 5! We have enjoyed completing some Science experiments, the first was looking at if changes can be reversed. We added baking soda to vinegar to watch the chemical reaction, we placed a balloon on top of the bottle to collect the gas. In our second experiment we looked at what happens when we combine materials togther. We mixed some different materials with boiling water to see which ones made a new solution and which ones just mixed together. 

We finished off our RE unit on Hinduism by looking at the importance of family worship. We then completed our end of unit quiz. 

In History, we looked at the Maya game of Pok-a-Tok and answered the question, did the May played football like us? We will continue our learning on the Ancient Maya after half term. 

In Geography, we completed our final lesson on Mexico, by looking at why Mexico is a land of contrasts. We then completed our end of unit quiz. 

In Art, we looked at how we can critique art. We looked at different pieces of illusion art and gave our opinion on each piece. 

We also enjoyed some computing lessons this week, we completed our work on spreadsheets and then moved onto databases, before starting some new learning on creating games. 

W/C 13th May

Another great week in Year 5! We have managed to cram in a lot of learning! In Maths, we finished our unit on position and direction, by looking at reflection in horizontal and vertical lines. We then oved onto our second unit on decimals and have been working on adding and subtracting deciamls with the same number of decimal places. 

In English, we finished our independent writes last week, some excellent stories were produced -well done. This week we completed our DIRT Activity, looking at three different areas of improvement. We then moved onto our next unit, which is non-fiction, basedon Plastic Pollution. We looked at the different 'shapes' involved in a persuasive piece of writing and then completed two experience days, looking at hard hitting facts based on Plastic Pollution. 

In Geography, we looked at the different physical features that can be found in Mexico, specifically the Rio Grande and the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental. 

In Science, we looked at how we can seperate materials that we have combined. We used filtering, sieving and evaporation to try and seperate materials. 

In RE, we looked at the different artefacts used in Hindu worship, focusing on the items on a Puja tray and the significance of Murtis. 

W/C 6th May

A four day week this week, with the May Bank Holiday, but Year 5 have still managed to pack a lot in! In Maths, we have been continuing our work on Position and Direction. We started off by translating shapes and then looked at translating with coordinates. We then moved onto finding lines of symmetry in shapes, before having a go at reflecting shapes in a mirror line. 

In English, we have been working hard on our independent write. Some children have been writing the next four plot points of the story, 'The Nowhere Emporium' others have written their own version of the first four plot points. 

In History, we looked at Ancient Mayan writing and how they used glyphs, some called logograms, which stand for a specific word, and some called syllabograms, which represent the sounds in words. We also looked at Emblem Glyphs and Stelae. 

In Science, we looked at how we can use what we know about materials to design something. We each designed a rain coat, selecting what we thought were appropriate materials, before testing them to see if we were correct. 

In RE, we looked at the different ceremonies that take place in the Mandir. We looked at Puja, Aarti, Bhajans and how Murtis are used. 

W/C 29th April

Year 5 have worked hard again this week. In Maths, we finished off our work on Geometry by completing work on regular and irregular Polygons, parallel and perpendicular lines and then 3D shapes. We then moved onto our next unit on Position and Direction, starting off by reading and plotting coordinates before solving problems with cooridinates. 

In English, we completed the last four sentence stacking lessons, linking to our book, 'The Nowhere Emporium.' We then started our independent write, by recapping all of our work and creating our own success criteria. 

In RE, we started our new unit on Hinduism. We looked at how Hindu's worship, both in the Mandir and at home. 

In Science, we started our new unit on materials. We looked at how we can group materials. We took a variety of materials and tested them for different properties, before grouping them in different ways. 

In Music, we finished off our lesson where we had to learn a song on the glockenspiel. We practised on our own and worked with a partner to keep in time with one another. We then performed as a class. 

W/C 22nd April

Another great week in Year 5. We have produced some fantastic writing in English and enjoyed two experience lessons. We have used verbs, dashes for parenthesis, prefixes, synonyms, adjectives, prepositions and rhetorical questions. In our experience lesson we took part in a Police interview and looked into bullying and the emotions involved. 

In Maths, we have continued our work on shape. We carried on with measuring angles, looking at measuring angles up to 180 degrees. We then had a go at drawing different lengths and angles. Finally, we looked at finding angles around a point, on a straight line and in shapes. 

In History, we looked at the Mayan creation story and looked at the Maize God and what this meant to the Ancient Maya.

In Geography, we looked at what it is like in Mexico City. In Art, we started our work on the Illuision movment. 

W/C 16th April

A great first week back! We have thoroughly enjoyed starting our new English! We are completing our work based on the book, 'The Nowhere Emporium'. This week we have looked at Time adverbials, Similes, Relative Clauses, Dialogue, Modal verbs and Alliteration.

In Maths, we have started our unit on Shape. This week we have been classifying and estimating angles, before spending time looking at measuring acute angles. 

We have also completed our first lesson of our new Geography unit, What is it like in Mexico? We used atlas' to identify Mexico and describe it's location using compass points. 

In History, we started our new unit on the Ancient Maya. We looked at where they fit on the History timetime and where in the world they lived.