
Spring Term 2025


PE is on a Monday and a Tuesday.  

Homework will be set on Purple Mash on a Friday and is due in the following Friday.

Children are asked to read at home a minimum of five times a week, please log reads on the Boom Reader App. 

W/C 13th January

We have had a great week in Year 5. We have spent a lot of time focusing on multiplying by a 2 digit numbers, in Maths, building up to multiplying a 4 digit number by a 2 digit number. 

In English, we have completed 4 more sentence stacking lessons and one experience day, based on 'One Small Step'. We have been working on using relative clauses, colons, adverbials of tome, complex sentences, similes and modal verbs. 

In Geography, we started our new unit in how water travels around the world. We looked at the water cycle, labelling the different elements and understanding the difference between evaporation and condensation. 

In History, we have started our new unit in the Vikings. We looked at who the Vikings were, focusing on where they came from and how they got to Britain. We also looked at some of the reasons they came to Britain and answered the question, were all Vikings bad?

In RE, we started our new unit in Islam. We looked at what happens in the Mosque, including learning about some of they key features. We looked at how the Mosque is an important place in the community. 

W/C 6th January

What a fanastic first week back! We have enjoyed our Bikeability training this week. On Tuesday, we all set off on the playground, working on our basic skills and learning how to check our bikes are safe to ride. Some of us were not very confident on our bikes, so we spent some time learning to ride them independently. These children made some excellent progress. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the confident riders went onto the roads and learnt how to do a number of manouveres, including stopping, u-turns, left turns in and out of a junction and right turns in and out of a junction. 

We have still managed to squeeze in some other lessons this week. In English, we started our new unit based on 'One small step' a short film. We looked at complex sentences, alliterative dialogue, action words and repetition. We also completed an experience day, thinking about special people in our lives and what makes them special. 

In Maths, we started our new unit on Multiplication and Division. First we learnt how to multiply a 4 digit number by a 1 digit number, before looking at multiplying a 2 digit number by a 2 digit number using the area model and then the column method. 

In Science, we started our new topic on Space. We looked at what a Solar System is and what ours is like, learning about the different celestial bodies that make up a solar system and ordering the planets from closest to the sun. 

In Art, we started our work on drawing the human form, we looked at drawing different features and then had a go at drawing a portrait.