
Autumn Term 2024


PE is on Tuesday and swimming is on a Wednesday.  

Homework will be set on Purple Mash on a Friday and is due in the following Friday.

Children are asked to read at home a minimum of five times a week, please log reads on the Boom Reader App. 

W/C 11th November

A great week in Year 5, we have been working really hard on some new areas of learning. In maths, we have come to the end of our first unit on multiplication and division - looking at finding multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. We then moved onto our next topic of fractions. We began by looking at finding equivalent fractions of a unit fraction and then a non-unit fractions, before completing work on recognising equivalent fractions. 

In English, we completed our final two sentence stacking lessons - looking at dialogue, adverbail phrases, synonyms, complex sentences and metaphors. We then moved onto our independent write, by creating our own success criteria and planning our own story. 

In History, we continued our work on the Anglo-Saxons and Picts, looking at how similar were the Anglo-Saxons and Picts reasons for migration compared to today? 

In Geography, we started our new unit on 'Is it the same time everywhere?' We began by learning about time zones, lines of latitude, specfically looking at the Primae Meridian. 

In computing, we completed another coding lesson, where we created our own football game, looking at variables and functions. 

W/C 4th November 

A lovely first week back, the children have settled back into their learning really well. We have picked up where we left off with maths - looking at multiplication and division. We started off by learning about prime numbers, followed by square numbers and then cube numbers. We then looked at multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 followed by dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. 

In English, we have carried on with our lessons based on Gorilla by Anthony Brown. We have continued our sentence stacking lessons, using adjectives, similes, onamatopoeia, personification and time adverbials. We also enjoyed an experience day, where we looked at the similarities between humans and monkeys before discussing our views and feelings about keeping monkeys in cages. 

We started our new unit in Science, looking at the human lifecycle. This week, we looked at what life is like for a foetus. We learnt about the development stages and how a foetus develops in the womb. 

In art, we continued our work on formal elements. We looked at how we can create our own textures, by using scrunching, cutting , pressing, imprinting. We draw a basic image and added detail to the image by using a range of materials and the skills that we had practiced. 

In Music, we listened to the song 'Jeruselum' and discussed the lyrics. We then learnt the first verse of 'Jeruselum Fusion' a modern more upbeat version of Jeruselum. 

This week we also had a visit from two of our local PCSO's, who delivered an anti-bullying workshop. 

W/C 14th October

A great last week of term in Year 5! We have spent time this week finishing off our non-core units and completing our end of unit quizzes!

In Geography, we looked at all the countries that make up South America, locating them on an atlas. We then spent time looking at the Amazon Basin and answering the question, why is it one of the most important places in the world?

In RE, we continued with our work on Christianity. We lloked at artefacts and symbols and how they link to rituals, ceremonies and worship. We then learnt about Koinonia, the Christian fellowship. 

In Science, we looked at how plants reproduction and life cycles differ from those of animals. We learn that some plants use asexual reproduction, whilst others use sexual reproduction, looking at the pros and cons of each. 

We enjoyed some Music lessons, we wrote our own lyrics to fit into the song 'Our Community'. We included lyrics on 'Here and now' - what our community is like now and then followed it up with lyrics about 'in the past' - what our community used to be like. We then linked this together by performing the whole song, with glockenspiel accompaniment.

In computing, we completed another coding lesson. We looked at an algorithm for traffic lights and then created our own code to make a traffic light sequence. 

W/C 7th October

We have had a brilliant week in Year 5. The children have produced some fantastic writing in their first few sentence stacking lessons of the new unit, based on the book Gorilla by Anthony Browne. We have been using relative clauses, similes, alliteration, dialogue and adverbial phrases! 

In Maths, we have moved onto our first unit of Multiplication and Divsion, starting with multiples and then moving onto factors. We spent a lot of time securing our understanding and looking into the most efficient method to find common multiples and common factors. 

In Geography, we looked at the different climates of North America and why it is considered a continent of extremes. 

In Science, we looked at the reproductions and lifecycles of fish and amphibians. We compared the two and drew our own lifecycles of each. 

In Oracy, we introduced the rules of discussion and looked at the different roles when holding a group discussion. We then had a go as a whole class. We are looking forward to developing our skills further over the next term. 

We had a visit from one of our local Police officers, and we voted for and selected our Mini Police officers for the year. They had a quick meeting to go through their expectations as Mini Police officers! 

W/C 30th September

We have had a busy week in Year 5. In English, we have been working hard to complete our independent write, a persuasive letter. We have drafted our letter and then spent time editing, before publishing them. We then started our new English unit with an experience day, looking at fictious journeys in the moonlight. 

In Maths, we have completed our work on addition and subtraction, starting off with multi-step addition and subtraction problems, comparing calculations and then finding missing numbers. 

In History, we looked at where the Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain, looking at the seven kingdoms; Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Sussex and Wessex. 

In Art, we completed our second lesson, looking at how we can change the texture of lines. We spent time working with charcoal to create lines. 

On Friday, we look part in a Mini-First Aid lesson, as a part of our life skills curriculum. We looked at the Primary Survey: DR ABC and learnt how to put someone in the recovery position. We also learnt how to do chest compressiuons in CPR and how to treat burns and cuts. 

W/C 23rd September

We have worked really hard all week in Year 5! We have completed our work on Place Value, in Maths, and have moved onto Addition and Subtraction. We startd by looking at mental strategies, beofre adding and subtracting numbers with more than 4 digits. Next we looked at two different ways to check our answers, rounding and using inverse operations. 

In English, we have completed our sentence stacking lessons, for our persuasive letter. This week we looked at how to finish our letter. We then moved onto our independent write. We started by creating our own success criteria and then wrote a plan for our own persuasive letter. Next week, we will begin writing our letters. 

In RE this week, we looked at how Christian buildings link to worship, rituals and ceremonies. We compared Roman Catholic, Anglican and some different independent Churches. 

In Science, we focused on the lifecyles of birds and reptiles. We looked at the similarities and the differences between them. 

In Computing. we started our Coding lessons. We looked at some different code to see iof we could predict what would happen, we then had a go at making a catching game. 

W/C 16th September

Another fantastic week in Year 5! We have been working hard on our Maths lessons, still looking at the area of Place Value. This week we have been comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000,000 and then we moved onto rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,0000 and 100,000. 

In English, we have been continuing our sentence stacking lessons, focusing on a persuasive letter. We used the statistics that we collected in the previous week in our letter and looked at using a repeated verb and similes. We also worked on using adverbials and rhetorical questions. Finally, we looked at relative clauses and modal verbs. We ended the week looking at a counter-argument and why some people believe that child labour is ok. 

In History, we looked at the reasons why the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain, included the fact the some were invited to help defend from the Picts as well as those who wanted good farm land as their homelands often flooded. 

In Science, we looked at the lifecycles of mammals. We learnt that they start as an embryo before they are born and then after they are born, they drink milk from their mothers before they are able to fend for themselves. 

In Geography, we looked at the physical and human features that can be found in North America. We spent time focusing on The Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains, comparing the two areas landscape, cities and the major industries that can be found there. 


W/C 9th September

We have had a great week in Year 5, the children have worked really hard on some new learning! In Maths, we have continued our work on Place Value. We have looked at reading and writing numbers to 1,000,000 focusing on the written words as well as the numerals. We then looked at 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000 more or less, followed by partitioning numbers to 1,000,000. Finally we looked at number lines to 1,000,000. 

In English, we started the week with two experience days, looking into Child Labour, what it is, why is occurs and collecting some statistics. We then moved onto our sentence stacking lessons, where we started to write a letter to England and Man City Footballer - John Stones. 

We completed our first Geography lesson, based on the continents of North and South America. In our first lesson, we located the different countries that make up North America, highlighted some major cities and oceans. 

We also started our RE unit on Christianity, by looking at the different denominations of Christianity. We focused our learning on six of these; Roman Catholic, Anglican, Presbryterian, Methodist, Baptists and Quakers. We looked at the differences and similarities in their buildings and worship. 

In Art, we started our work on formal elements, looking at how we can layer colour for effect. We used watercolours and colouring pencils to create a background and then add detail. 

W/C 3rd September

Welcome back! It has been a fantastic first week in Year 5. The children have settled into the routines really well! It was great to see so many parents/carers at the information meeting on Friday. If you were unable to attend, the slides have been emailed out to all parents. Any questions, please come and see me!

This week, we have got straight into our new areas of learning! In Maths, we have started with Place Value. Our first lesson looked at Roman Numerals and then we moved onto Place Value to 10,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000. 

In English, we started with a Cold Write, we watched a video clip called 'The Lighthouse' the children were then asked to either re-write the story in their own words, or produce a Newspaper article based on the film, or write their own story. I was really impressed with how the children approached this task and the writing they produced. We then moved onto our new unit, based on the book 'Kick' by Mitch Johnson. We looked at a persuasive letter, highlighting the key features and 'shapes' that we will need when we write our own letter at the end of the unit. 

We also completed some our our non-core lessons this week, History and Science. In History, we introduced our new topic of the Anglo-Saxons and answered the question, Who were the Anglo-Saxons. We looked into the different groups that made up the Angloo-Saxons and when they came to Britain. In Science, we started our work on Life-Cyles, we answered the question of, What is the process of reproduction. We looked at the different types of reproduction, asexual and sexual reproduction and the differences between them. 

We also enjoyed our first lesson of French with Madame Roche and our first PE lesson with Mr Godson. We also went to the swimming pool for our first lesson of the Autumn term. 

Finally, we also spent some time going through our lessons in behaviour, going through the school rules and classroom rules. We looked at how we can be respectful and responsible and how we show we are ready to learn.