
Autumn Term 2023


PE is on a Tuesday and a Wednesday (Swimming)

Homework will be set on Purple Mash on a Friday and is due in the following Friday. Children will also be bringing home spelling sheets, with spelling to practice every night, this needs to be returned on a Friday. 

Children are asked to read at home a minimum of five times a week, please log reads on the Boom Reader App. 

W/C 18th December

What a great final week - well 3 days - of term we have had! We finished off our Science topic, looking at the human lifecycle and then completed end of unit assessments in Geography, History and RE! 

We evaluated our Design and Technology Projects - I hope you enjoyed tasting them at home! We looked at how we could improve our product, if were to make it again! 

We also enjoyed some Christmas French and a fun PE lesson!

On Wednesday, we had a Panto visit the school, which we all thoroughly enjoyed. We then had a visit from Santa, who gave everyone a selection box. Finally to finish off the term, we enjoyed Carols around the Christmas tree with the whole school and family and friends! 

I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I look forward to seeing you in 2024!

W/C 11th December

We are getting very close to the end of term!! The children have really enjoyed this week, as it has been D&T week! 

We were asked to design a sweet treat for children aged 7-11. The children brain stormed some ideas and came up with making biscuits! They then planned and designed what there biscuits will look like before making them from scratch! Once they were all baked, the children decorated them with icing, chocolate, marshmallows, sprinkles etc. The biscuits were then taken home....I hope you enjoyed them! Next week, we will be evaluating them! Here are a few pictures of some of our biscuits:



We also managed to complete some more Maths this week, continuing our work on multiplying by a 2 digit number. We will do some more work on this after the Christmas break. 

In Geography, we completed our final lessons on time zones, looking specifically on the time difference between the UK and Australia. 

In RE, we completed our final lesson on Christianity, looking at how language within worship helps express Christian belief. 

We also did some more Science, looking at what life is like for adults and old people. We have one more lesson on this unit to complete, which we will do next week. 

We also enjoyed Art, where we continued our work on printing.  

W/C 4th December

Another hard working week in Year 5! We have finished our first Maths unit on Fractions and have moved onto our second unit on Multiplicaion and Division. We have learnt how to complete multiply a 4 digit number by a 1 digit number, then moved onto multiplying a 2 digit number by a 2 digit number. We looked at the grid method, also known as the area model and we then moved onto long multiplication, using the column method. We will be completing more of this next week.

In English, we started our work on our new book. The title has not been revealed yet, but we do know it is in the genre of Sci-Fi! We discussed the themes and conventions across a wide range of books and had a go at expressing our opinion. We then used the subjunctive form, before looking at using quotations and reported speech. 

In RE, we looked at why it is necesary for Christians to worship together, looking at different types of prayer. 

In History, we completed our final lesson on the Anglo-Saxons and Pcts, by looking at the impact the Anglo-Saxons had on our local area. 

We also completed some Science, continuing our work on Human Life Cycles, by looking at what life is like for a teenager. 

As it was community week, we went out in small groups and did some litter picking in the local area. Some children will be continuing with this next week! 


W/C 27th November

It's assessment week and the children have worked really hard on their Maths, Reading and Science Assessments, as well as completing their 'Big Write'.

We also had time to complete some more of our Maths Unit on Fractions, we looked at subtracting from a mixed number, then breaking the whole, before we finally looked at subtracting two mixed numbers. Some challenging lessons. but the children showed great resilience. 

In English, once we pulished our 'Big Write' we then had another look at relative clauses before completing our DIRT Activity. Next week, we will start our new book!

In History, we looked at Anglo-Saxon settlements and the challenges they faced in establishing these settlements. 

We enjoyed Art with Mrs Freeman and then our final Computing lesson on Coding. 

W/C 20th November

Another busy week in Year 5! The children have continued to work really hard. In Maths, we have been looking at adding fractions. We started off by adding fractions within 1, then looked at those greater than 1. We then moved onto adding a mixed number fractions, before moving onto adding two mixed number fractions. 

In English, we have spent the week completing our 'Big Write', the memoirs of Mary Jackson. On Friday, we worked in pairs to edit our 'Big Writes' and we will be publishing them next week. 

In RE, we continued our work on Christianity, looking at why communal celebration is important, focusing on Holy Communion and Pentecost. 

In Science, we moved onto understanding the developments of babies and children. 

We had a workshop on e-safety, delivered by Lincolnshire County Council. We looked at how to keep safe online, specifically how to spot 'catfishing' 

We also completed another music lesson, writing our own lyrics for 'Here and Now' focusing on our local community. 

W/C 13th November

Year 5 have worked really hard this week on some very challenging topics. In Maths, we have spent a lot of time looking at comparing and ordering fractions. The children have had to answer a lot of multi-step questions, coverting fractions so they have a common denominator before ordering them in ascending and descending order. In order to support your child with this, the homewor set on Purple Mash is linked to this area of learning. 

In English, we have finished reading 'Hidden Figures' and looked at how we can use relative clauses to add extra information to our writing. We then planned our 'Big Write', which will be a memoir of Mary Jackson. 

In Geography, we have continued our work on time zones and looked at countries which have multiple time zones, focusing on the USA. We looked at the advantages and disadvantages of this for people living in and visiting the country.

In History, we have been comparing the Anglo-Saxons and the Picts, looking at their cultures, society, military and religions. 

In Computing, we carried out another lesson on Coding, looking at using strings. 

We had a visit from the NSPCC this week, we took part in a workshop on Speak Out and Stay Safe. 


W/C 6th November

I hope you all had a lovely half term and a well deserved rest! The children have come back ready to learn!!

In Maths, we finished off our work on our first unit of Multiplication and Division, by multiplying and dividing with multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. We then moved onto our first unit of Fractions. We looked at finding equivalent fractions and then regcognising equivalent fractions before converting improper fractions to mixed numbers. 

In English, we have continued with our new book, which we now know is called 'Hidden Figures' by Margot Lee Shetterly. The book tells the true Story of four Black Women and the Space Race. We looked at three of the women this week, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson and Katherine Johnson. We looked at using expanded noun phrases to describe Dorothy Vaughan, used the subjunctive form, when writing a letter to the judge in the role of Mary Jackson, and using conditionals when writing a letter in the role of Katherine Johnson to her three daughters. 

We also completed a History lesson this week, continuing our work on the Anglo-Saxons and Picts. We looked at migration and compared the reasons for migration, for the Anglo-Saxons, Picts and migration today. 

In Geography, we started our new topic looking at time zones. We answered the question, 'What are time zones?' and located the different time zones across the world. 

We also completed our first science lesson of our new unit, looking at the human lifecycle. We spent time focusing on what life is like for a foetus. 

We also enjoyed Franch with Madame Roche, PE with Mr Godson and swimming at Sleaford Leisure Centre. 

W/C 16th October

We made it to half term!! The children have worked so hard this term!

We finished off the term with some more Maths, looking at Prime numbers, Cubed numbers and then multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. 

In English, we were introduced to the topic which will be covered in our new book...NACA and NASA, however we haven't seen it yet! The children seem very excited and I am looking forward to sharing with them after half term. We spent some time looking at some facts about NACA and NASA and wrote our own report using conjunctions and adverbials. 

In Geography, we finished our unit of work on the continent of America and looked at why the Amazon Basin is one of the most important places in the world. We them completed our end of unit assessment. In Science, we looked at the different lifecylces of plants and compared those that reproduce sexually and asexually. We then compared these to the other lifecylces which we have learnt about this term. In RE, we finished our unit of work by completing our end of unit assessment. We also enjoyed Art, where we looked at how we can create texture using lines. We then finished off with a couple of computing lessons on coding. We made an algorithm and created a sequence of traffic lights and then we made a football game, all using purple mash. 

I hope you all have a lovely half term and look forward to seeing back on Monday 6th November. 

W/C 9th October

One more week left until half term and the children are still working their socks off! In Maths, we have moved onto our first unit of Multiplication and Division. This week we have been introduced to multiples and factors, we also spent time looking at common multiples and common factors. 

In English, we completed our DIRT Activity, improving a section of our Big Write and then we moved ontour new book! We haven't found out the title yet, but we do know that it is linked the NACA and NASA. We looked at some facts about both organisations and had a go at sorting these into the most appropriate paragraphs. 

In Geography, we used atlas' to locate the different countries in South America and found out what their capital cities are. In History, we looked at the group of People called the Picts, who lived in what is now called Scotland. In Science, we learnt about the lifecycles of fish and amphibians. 

W/C 2nd October

Another very productive week in Year 5. We have continued working hard in Maths, looking at inverse operations and solving multi-step problems in Maths. We then looked at solving missing number calculations. 

In English, we have finished writing our Biographies on Philippe Petit, we then spent some time editing and improving them, before we published them. 

In History, we looked at where the Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain and the reasons for this. In RE, we learnt about different symbols used in Christianity and how they link to worship, rituals and ceremonies. We also completed another Art lesson, where we looked at how we can change the texture of lines. We created lines using charcoal and explored how they can change the texture of this line by smudging the charcoal.

We also took part in a Mini First Aid session, as a part of our Life Skills Curriculum. We learnt about DR ABC and CPR. We also learnt how to put someone on the recovery position and how to apply bandages. 



W/C 25th September

Some great work has been completed in Year 5 this week. We finished our work on Place Value in Maths, looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. We then moved onto Addition and Subtraction. We started off by looking at mental strategies for adding and subtracting before adding numbers with more than 4 digits and then moving onto subtracting numbers with more than 4 digits. Finally, we looked at how to round numbers to check our answers. 

In English, we started the week by researching some more detailed information on Philippe Petit, we then used this information to write our plan for our 'Big Write', which is a Biography of Philippee Petit. On Thursday and Friday, we wrote the first two paragraphs of our Biography, which we will continue next week. 

In RE this week, we looked at different Christian artefacts and how they link to worship, rituals and ceremonies. In Geogrphy, we looked at the reasons why the continent of North America is a continent of extremes. We learnt about the different climates in different countries in North America. In Science, we looked at the life cyles of birds and reptiles and made comparisions between the two. We also enjoyed our Music lesson, where we looked at the beat if a song and learnt to sing one element, which we will build on next week. 

W/C 18th September

Another great week in Year 5. We have been working hard in all areas of the curricuculm. In Maths, we have continued our work on Place Value and have been learning about number lines to 1,000,000 and how to find missing numbers. We have also been comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000,000. Next we looked at rounding to the nearest 100,000 and 10,000. 

In English, we have finished reading 'The Man who walked between the Towers'. We looked at using reported speech and quotations and then wrote a newspaper report from the day that Philippe Petie walked between the two towers. We then wrote a persuasive letter to the judge, imploring him not to send Philippe to jail! Finally, we answered some questions about the book, looking at the reason why the author wrote certain pages in different ways. 

In History, we looked at the reasons why the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain. In Geography, we looked the physical features in North America, focusing on the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains and comparing them. In Science, we learnt about reproductions and life cycles in mammals. Finally, we carried out our first computing lesson, looking at how to code. We created a catching game, using simplified code effectively. 

On Monday, we had a Dance lesson with Robin Windsor as well as a PE lesson with Mr Godson on Tuesday and swimming on Wednesday. 


W/C 11th September

Year 5 have been working really hard this week! We have continued on our work on Place Value in Maths, looking at numbers up to 1,000,000. We learnt how to partition these larger numbers and how to find 10, 100, 1,000 or 10,000 more or less. 

In English, we started to read our new book, 'The man who walked between the towers'. We wrote formal letters of advice and a first person perspective of what it was like standing on the top of the twin towers. We then acted as journalists, asking an 'eyewitness' what they saw on the day that Philippe Petit tightrope walked between the two towers. Some excellent writing this week!


We also completed some Science and RE. In Science, we looked at what reproduction is and the differences between the two different types of reproduction. In RE, we looked at Christian buildings and how they link to worship, rituals and ceremonies. 

We enjoyed lots of Art this week! We had an art workshop on Monday, with The Hub. We created animations for the Riverlight festival, which will go ahead in October. 

We also had our first Art lesson, looking at how we can layer colours for effect. 


W/C 5th September

What a great first week back! The children have settled in really well into Year 5! 

We hit the ground running and have made a brilliant start with our Maths. We have looked at Roman Numerals and then Place Value up to 1,000,000. 

In English, we started off with a Cold Write, all children worked really hard writing their own version of 'The Lighthouse'. We then started the introductory work to our new book (yet to be revealed!) We looked at the 'Twin Towers' and fact about the buildings. We then spent some time sorting facts into paragraphs before writing our own Wiki Page!

We have also completed History, Geography and RE this week. In History, we looked at where the Anglo-Saxons came from. In Geography, we located countries in North America and in RE we looked at the different denominations of Christianity. 

In PE, we enjoyed our first Basketball lesson and had our first swimming lesson!