
Spring Term 2025

PE is on a Tuesday.

Swimming is on a Wednesday.

Homework is sent home on a Friday.

WC 13th January

This week we have continued our learning of multiplication. We used counters to help us understand how groupings work when we multiply 2 digits by 1 digits. This helped us with our 3 digits by 1 digit and we used fantastic mathematical language. In Science we looked at Ecosystems and habitats and the differences in these. As Geographers, we looked at the continent we live in-Europe. Mrs Jones was amazed with our map work and the countries of Europe we were familiar with.

WC 6th January.

Welcome back Year 4. We hope you has a restful break? This week we have started our persuasive advert. We looked at plastic pollution and what it was doing to our planet. We learn about this crazy invention called 'Stroodles', which is straws made from Pasta. We will be using all our leanring from this over the next few weeks to help us write our own advert. Watch this space!!!

In PE we had our swimming assessments and Mrs Jones couldn't believe how much resilience we had. We really showed our Church Lane culture. In History we began our leanring on the Ancient Greeks by creating a timeline.