Spring Term 2020
W.C 9.3.2020
I am very proud of Year 4 this week. We have been very busy as it's been assessment week. Not only have we worked really hard on our assessments we have also managed to do some great maths and English work!
In maths we have been learning about fractions, we even used pizza and cake to help us. We were trying to be really good and not eat it, but in the end it beame too tempting- Ooops.
In english we have been reading some more of the Black Dog and began planning our own ending for the story. I am still holding the children suspesne as we have not yet finished the book. I look forward to reading their endings so that I can reveal the true ending of the story to them.
I look forward to seeing you all next week.
W.C 2.3.2020
WOW! What a busy week!
This week we have been exploring the world of poetry, through our new class book “It starts with a seed”. We have been creating some great vocabulary to put into our poem and working really hard on rhyming couplets. I can’t wait to read the finished poems next week!
In Maths we have finished our unit of multiplication and division and have been exploring fractions, next week will bring more fractions madness, and I can’t wait to see what we discover.
Art has been fantastic we have been investigating a famous water colour artist Joseph Turner and creating our own washes to explore the different techniques of water colour painting. After practicing our washes we have created our own art pieces that look fantastic!
W.C 10.2.2020
This week in year 4, we have been focusing on writing our own stories for English. We have taken inspiration from our book on the different fairy tale lands and used ideas from each story to create our own adventure.
In Maths we have moved been focusing on division looking at how we can share and partition numbers into different groups, we have also looked at the short method of division.
We have also looked at sewing this week, we had a visit from Mrs James who showed us how we can thread needles and use the basic running stitch and half cross stitch, Next term we will learn how to do a back stitch and full cross stitch before moving on to make our own Lincolnshire flags.
We finished our science topic this term on plants by looking at the different things plants need to survive and how this can change from plant to plant.
Have a lovely half term break year 4. Make sure you have lots of fun. I look forward to seeing you when you get back!
If you have any spare fabric at home, clothes, felt etc. Which we could use for our Lincolnshire flag project we would be very grateful if you could bring it in, thank you.
WC 3.2.2020
We have been very acive this week in Year 4. We have been taking part in some active maths to support us with our rapid recall of multiplication.
As well as this we have been exploring our new class book “The Once Upon A Time Map Book” as part of this we have been reading various different fairy tales and exploring the lands whilst incorporating our English skills such as: expanded noun phrases and complex sentences.
Topic has lead us down a more historical route this week, looking at the history of Lincolnshire in relation to our role in the War effort especially during World War 2. We have been exploring why we are famously known as Bomber County and the vital role we played in supplying England with food.
WC 27.1.2020
This week year 4 had a very exciting start to the week with our class trip to Lincoln, where we met a local abstract artist Phil Bowman. Phil showed us around his gallery where the class explored the different mediums of art. After visiting the cathedral for our own art inspiration the children went for an art workshop where we created our own pieces of abstract art and had our very own exhibition in Phil’s Gallery. The children’s work is now displayed around school.
WC. 20.1.2020
This week has been a busy week in year 4, we are 3 weeks into the term and have achieved so much!
In English we have started to write a letter persuading Mr Clay to let us go to London. Our letters are coming along great and will hopefully persuade him to let us explore the capital city!
In Maths we have been using our knowledge of multiplication to use the formal written method to multiply not only 2 digits but 3 digit numbers!
The excitement this week has come from topic lessons where we have continued our learning of Lincolnshire and everything the county has to offer. We have further explored vegetables which we discovered are actually flowers. We have also looked further at Lincoln castle and the Cathedral which we will be exploring further on our trip on Monday.
Monday 27th- Class trip to Lincoln, all children must bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag with a drink and a waterproof coat. Children must also be in school uniform.
W.C 6.1.2020
A brilliant first week back and an excellent start to 2020!
This week we have been exploring our new book ‘A Walk in London’. We have taken a walk through St James’s Park and down the busy roads of London as well as having chips in Covent Garden!
In maths we have been testing our knowledge of multiplication and division with dividing and multiplying by 10 and 100, thinking about some secret rules we can use to help us.
This term our Topic is Lively Lincolnshire, we have been investigating what we already know and looking at some mysterious stories about the Lincoln Cathedral, as well as looking at where we live in the world and the different places within Lincolnshire.
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