Autumn Term 2022
Week commencing 28.11.22
Is it really Decemeber?! Christmas is certainly coming but in the BAH-HUMBUG class, we're not mentioning it YET as we have work to do first! :)
This week, we have been completing more times tables and division fact work - mainly looking at the 3, 6 and 9 times tables as well as the 7s.
In English, we have been learning about adverbials, embedded clauses and co-ordinating conjunctions.
We have also been learning about the rites of passage within the Islam faith.
Week commencing 21.11.22
Another fantastic week here in Navigation Class. We have been learning about multiplication and division throughout the week; mainly around learning our times tables!
In English, we finalised our Big write; writing a sequel to faRther.
In history, we have been learning a little more about Lincolnshire; what was better for Sleaford: the railways or waterways? As well the uses of Lincoln Castle.
We began our science topic: humans. The children have been finding out how the body makes energy.
Week commencing 14.11.22
Year 4 have had a great week, this week. They all have worked so hard towards their assessment and have achieved greatness! Well done Year 4!
We have also been learning all about music - we have been warming our voices and learning about the affect it has on our body. We have also been singing ALL of the Lion King songs as part of our scheme on Charanga.
Week commencing 7.11.22
Welcome back to Autumn term 2. This week, we have been finishing our Addition and Subtraction unit of work in Maths - we have been looking at efficient methods, estimation and problem solving.
In English, we have started reading our new book - FArTHER - a book about dreams. We began the week talking about our dreams and what they represent. Did you know, Mr Barratt often gets abducted by aliens? He seems to think its real not just a dream...
In PE, we are beginning our Orienteering activities, we have been building our team work in order to problem solve. In Geography, we are studying mountains. This week looking at What a mountain is.
Week commencing 10.10.22
Another fantastic week, here in Year 4! We have been looking at column addition as well as mental strategies for addition. In English, we have been focusing on adverbials - the discovery that they did not always have to go at the front of the sentence was mind boggling!!
We have been practising our reading aloud in class throughout the week: working on expression and fluency. The children have enjoyed echo reading and they games we have been playing!
We have been studying the world around us in Science, particularly looking at identifying and grouping plants.
In PE, we have been working on our gymnastics. We are now ready for our final performance next week!
Week commencing 3.10.22
This week, Year 4 have started the journey of Addition and Subtraction. We still use the common knowledge and skills from Place Value, as this will help us in our alignment of columns and knowledge of number.
In English, we have started our new book (or film): Varmint. A fantastic, imaginative film and lovely picture book, which I hope will inspire some awesome writing.
In our RE lessons, we have learnt about the rites of passage in the Christian religion. In computing, we have experimented with more coding.
Week commencing 26.9.22
Another fantastic week in Year 4. We have completed our Place Value unit in Maths. Children have shown great knowledge and understanding in all areas - I've been particularly impressed with their skills in rounding. We move on to Addition and Subtraction next week.
In English, we have been writing our Big Write: a sequel to Tar Beach. Some of the children have created their own unique beach and unique 'superpower', which have turned out mightily impressive!
We have been listening to some Early Music in our Music lessons, in particular gothic music from the 1000s. We have also been finding out more about our local area. This week, we have learnt all about Bass Maltings and its uses throughout history.
Week commencing 19.9.22
RIP QUEEN ELIZABETH II - We spent Monday mourning the loss of Our Queen: Queen Elizabeth II and returned to school on Tuesday 20th September.
This week the children have had to cope with Internet outage throughout school. The teachers have had to learn how to teach without a TV or laptop!!
In Year 4, we took the time to slow down our learning of rounding - ensuring we have a solid understanding of how to round, why we round and what numbers round up and down. Considering at the beginning of the week, many of the children struggled, I was so impressed by Friday when they all smashed their book work!
In English, it has been much of the same but this time we used our knowledge of the book, story and characters to write a book review. We also started to think about what we would write, if we were writing a sequel to this book.
In Geography, we have been looking at food from around the world: the children have drawn maps by hands and labels several items of food with its location of origin. In PE we have been working on our gymnastics - looking at developing a forward roll into a bridge and then a handstand. Some children have taken this even further by doing these over a piece of aparatus! I feel we have some future gymnasts on our hands!!
Week commencing 12.9.22
Week two in Year 4 has been absolutely delightful! We have continued to extend our knowledge in Place Value - children have been looking in depth at numbers to 10,000. We have been adding 1, 10, 100 or 1000 more or subtracting 1, 10, 100 or 1000 less; we have looked at a number line up to 10,000 and found numbers inbetween two multiples.
In English, we have been reading more of Tar Beach and extending our sentences to include fronted adverbials; noun phrases and conjunctions. I have been really impressed with the sentences the children have created and I'm excited to see more writing in the near future.
In our non-core lessons, we have looked at our local area: Sleaford. We have studied Cogglesford Mill; it's uses in the past and heard some stories surrounding its history. In Geography, we have been learning about the origins of our food - farm to fork.
Week Commencing 5.9.22
Welcome to the 2022 Class of Year 4! I must start by saying what a fantastic group of children this class is. They have made a seemless transition into Year 4 and have settled really well to the new ways of life at Church Lane.
We began the week with some 'getting to know you' sessions and slowly transitioned into a full program of study.
In Maths, we have been looking at the number 1000. We have partitioned it; repeated it; looked at it on a number line and finally looked at multiples of 1000. I've been really impressed with the children's number knowledge: their vocabulary has been brilliant too!
In English, we have started our book: Tar Beach. A fantastic book so far (we're not allowed to read it all in one go). We have written some fabulous sentences and some children have even ventured out and written paragraphs already! #mindblown
We have discussed our topics for this term: Lincolnshire, food travel; animals and classification and Christianity.
A great start from all - WELL DONE!