
Spring Term 2024



Important reminders:

Homework will be set on a Friday to be handed in the following Friday.

Homework will consist of 2 pieces of purple mash and 1 Spelling sheet.

Children will need to complete 3 reads a week which can be recorded on Boom Reader.

PE kits will need to be brought to school on a Monday and taken home on  a Friday.



Week beginning 25th March 2024             

Year 3 you have worked so hard this term. We have made it to the end of term and have had lots of fun along the way.

This week has been filled with laughter, experiences and of course learning.

Year 3 have had a great week this week, we have been consolidating our learning on the different writing styles during the ancient civilisations, painting our sculptures and of course been learning all about our Skegness on our trip.

Have a lovely half term year 3!


Week beginning 18th March 2024


Year 3 have worked really hard this week.


In maths we have continued and now finished our unit on mass and capacity which was very tricky with lots of scales to work out. I was very impressed with the determination, resilience and perseverance of the children during this unit!


During our writing sessions we have published our news paper articles on the tin forest and can now say that we are journalists.


In the afternoons this week we have been learning about Lady Fu Hao in History and have been creating sculptures out of paper and plaster of Paris. We are looking forward to painting and finishing these off next week.

Week beginning 11th March 2024.

This week has been assessment week and year 3 have been working hard with their reading, science and maths assessments. They have absolutely blown my socks off with how well they have done and I am extremely proud of each and everyone of them.

Aswell as assessments this week, we have continued our journalism story and begun to publish our articles.

Also, this week we have become artists looking at how to use fondant icing for decoration and how we can manipulate paper for sculptures.

We also had lots of fun this week taking part in Holi festival! 

Week beginning 4th March 2024

This week we have been continuing to look at mass and scales in Maths, working hard with lots of steps to work out intervals on a number line.

We have started to write our own newspaper reports this week becoming journalists, describing the events of how the tin forest became a wonderful exotic jungle.

As scientists we have carried out a science investigation to explore how water is transported through plants in a process called transpiration and we have become fashion designers exploring how garments are drawn onto silhouettes.


Week beginning 26th February 2024

Year 3 you have blown my socks off this week!

Year 3 have been working really hard this week in their writing and have created some lovely pieces, I can’t wait to share them with you at parent’s evening.

In maths we have been working super hard whilst looking at equivalent fractions on bar modela and number lines.

In the afternoons, we have become fashion designers, historians and gymnasts whilst creating balance sequences, learning about the shang dynasty and drawing clothing onto silhouettes.

Week beginning 19th February 2024


Welcome back year 3!


This week we have been getting back into the swing of things with our new class book ‘Tin Forest’ the children have been exploring different themes within the book and using inference to uncover how the old man in the story if feeling. The children have also been getting creative thinking about all the different things that they could do with the rubbish the old man has found.


In maths we have start our unit of fractions, we have been recapping our knowledge of numerators and denominators and looking at the difference between unit and non-unit fractions and how we can easily compare them.


This week we have become geographers, exploring the town of Boston and its key physical and human features. On Wednesday we then went on a walk around Sleaford, looking at the features that make Sleaford, Sleaford and comparing them to Boston.

Week beginning 5th February 2024


Year 3 have had a great week this week to finish off the term.


We have been learning about the achievements of the Indus Valley in History, learning about photosynthesis in science and have learnt about Mohammad in RE. This term we have also finished off our Geography unit on the Lake district and are looking forward to learning all about Lincolnshire next term.


Have a lovely half term everyone!



Week beginning the 29th January 2024.

We have continued our Author journey this week, drafting, editing and improving our stories. We are looking forward to becoming publishers next week and publishing our writing.

In maths this week we have finished our unit on length and measure. We took some time to consider how to measure and calculate the perimeter of shapes and used our problem-solving skills to work out the perimeters of shapes with missing sides.

In Geography this week we have continued to look at the human features of lake district focusing on the human features and in Science this week we have been looking at how to classify invertebrates.


Week beginning 22nd January 2024


This week Year 3 have begun their author journey by starting to plan their big write. The children are very excited to tell their version of the Heart and the Bottle.

Year 3 have also been working hard in Mathis this week and have been looking at converting lengths of measure.

This week we have also been practicing our vocal skills in music, looking at the physical features of the lake district, classifying different types of vertebrates, and using our knowledge of direction and compass points in orienteering.

Week beginning 15th January 2024


In year 3 we have now completed our Maths unit of multiplication and division and have begun our unit of measure. We have been doing lots of practical work, using rulers to measure the lengths of lines in cm and mm and have even been suing the meter sticks to measure.


We have also been continuing our work on the book- The heart and the bottle. This week we have been looking at how to change adjectives into nouns using suffixes, sequencing the story and using adjectives to describe the reader.


We have had lots of fun with Music this week using the boom whackers to create different sounds and have created a drama piece in History retelling the epic of Gilgamesh.




Week beginning 8th January 2024


This week year 3 have been busy finishing off our unit of multiplication and division in maths. The children have been working super hard using all of their knowledge to multiply and divide 2 digit numbers.


In English we have started pour new book- The heart and the bottle. The children have been using their prediction and inference skills to predict what they think will happen and infer the little’s girls feelings throughout the story.  


In the afternoons this week we have been looking at Ahklaq in our RE unit of Islam and have looked at where the lake district is in comparison to Lincolnshire. In Science we have been looking at the different animal diets- omnivore, carnivore, and herbivore.

Week beginning 1st January 2024

Welcome back Year 3!

This week we have been getting back into the swing of things, we have started to recap our knowledge of times tables looking at formal written method and multiplying by 10.

This week we have also started our new RE unit on Islam, looking at the first pillar of Shahadah. This week we have also considered why ancient civilizations were built around rivers. In PE we have been practicing our team building skills.

This week we have also had lots of fun, dressing up as rock stars and taking part in a whole school rock concert.