
Spring Term 2023

Important information: 

P.E days will be on Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure PE kits are in school all week as the timetable may change. As the weather is still cold please ensure children have a indoor pe kit and suitable clothing for outdoor P.E trainers must be worn outside and not plimsoles. Thank you. 

Homework has changed this term. Children will recieve a spelling sheet and 2 pieces of purple mash. These will be set on a Friday and must be returned/completed the following Friday. Along side this children should be reading 3 times a week. For children on phonics their phonics books should be read everynight (this can count as their read). 


 Week commencing 27.3.23

This week in Maths we have been completing our unit on measure and perimeter. The children have looked at what perimeter is, how to measure it and how to calculate the perimeter of given areas. 

This week we have been lucky to have Lincolnshire County council come in and talk to us about online safety. 

In the afternoons this week, we have been looking at photosynthesis in Science, created papier mache in Art, using fondant to decorate biscuits in Sugar Art and looked at the romantic era in Music.

 Week commencing 20.3.23

This week we have been finishing our newspaper report as journalists on the tin forest. In Maths we are continuing our unit on measure, looking at how to convert mm, cm and m. We have also used these skills to help us order, compare and add lengths. 

In the afternoons this week we have looked at transpiration in plants, carrying out our own science investigation to see where the water goes. We have looked at how ancienct civilisations communicate and also taken part in some E-saftey, learning about how not everything we read on the internet is true. 

The childre had a lovely time this Friday in Skegness, where we looked at the physical and human features of the area. The children even got to spend some time playing on the beach and enjoy an ice cream, doughnut or slushie (some of us had all three!)

 Week commencing 13.3.23

All of the children have worked really hard this week during assessment week. We have been working on our resiliance when taking our tests and the children have done really well. 

This week we have also been journalists, working on our newspaper report for the Tin forest. 

In the afternoons this week we have been looking at Lady Fu Hao in History and why she was so important in the Shang Dynasty. We have also looked at plants in more detail this week- learning about the different parts of the plant and what they are used for. 

The children had a great afternoon on Thursday taking part in the Hindu festival of Holi. 

Week commencing 6.3.23 

Year 3 had a lovely and busy week last week. 

In English we have started to plan our big write. This term we are creating a newspaper report on how the tin forest was created. 

In maths we have started our unit of night and perimeter using cm, mm and m to measure (Mr Clay even taught us a lesson!) 

We have started to look at the Shang dynasty this week in history and for Geography we went on a walk to the river Slea, comparing sleaford to Boston. Whilst we were there we went in Cogglesford Mill and took part in community week, litter picking.

Week commencing 27.2.23

What a great way to end the week. To end the week this week the school took part in world book day. We say characters from traditional tales, fables, comics, graphic novels, novels and well loved picture books. It was lovely to see all the children dressed up In their costumes.

At the beginning of the week we looked at internet safety within our computing lessons, considering the importance of passwords, and how we communicate online.

Later on in the week we looked at plants in science and where they get their energy from, looking at the different parts of plants and their functions.

Within our English lessons we have finished reading the Tin forest and are looking deeper at the meaning behind the story and how the man feels throughout the book. Looking at the reasons behind building a tin forest.

In Maths we have finished our unit of multiplication and division, multiplying and dividing 2 digit and 1 digit numbers.

To finish the week, as part of world book day, year 3 spent the afternoon sharing their favourite books and stories, reading with partners, teddies and sharing some well-loved favourites together.


Week commencing 20.2.23 

This week in year 3 we have been exploring  our new English book ‘Tin Forest’. We have spent time investigating why there is so much rubbish around the old man’s house and why it is important to recycle and reuse rubbish instead of throwing it away. 

In maths we are continue to look at multiplication using the formal written method to multiply 2digit and 1 digit numbers. 

We have had lots of fun with Mr Godson this week in PE. We have been doing some gymnastics and trying out tennis. 

This week we also went our first trip the Sleaford Islamic centre. We learnt all about the different features of a mosque, met the Imam and were even given some treats for being so well behaved. 

Week commencing: 6th February 2023

This week we have reflected on how well we have done in our big writes and what we can do to improve, by completing our DIRT.

In Geography we have finished our unit on the Lake District looking at the human features and comparing to those of Lincolnshire.This week we have also been looking at Iman and the Islamic creation story. 

we finished this week off with some Art work- looking at how we can deconstruct images into 2D shapes and use sketching to enhance shape and add detail. 

Week commencing 30th January 2023

This week we have been working really hard on our retelling of the Pied Piper. We have been working really hard to include all of the skills we have learnt so far. Miss Massingham is very proud of all of our hardwork. 

We have also been learning about the Demi-God Gilgamesh and the first cities of the Indus Valley during our History lessons, aswell as looking further into the attributes of Allah during RE. 

Week commencing: 23rd January 2023

We have had a great week this week in year 3! 

The children have been continuing to consolidate their knowledge of their times tables, we have been learning our times tables to song to help us. Here is the link if you would like to practice at home: 

In English we have finished our learning on the Pied Piper of Hamelin and are now using what we have learnt to retell the story. The children are working really hard on their stories using a variety of sentence starters to engage the reader. Please follow the link if you would like to watch the short story: 

We have enjoyed starting our new RE unit on Islam, recapping prior learning and learning about the first of the 5 pillars. We have also continued our History unit looking at the achievments of Ancient Sumer and learnt some Bhangra dance moves in Music.


Week commencing: 16th January 2023

This week we have been looking at the 3 times table, learning how to group and share. We have been developing our understanding of multiplication and how we can use arrays to support or understanding. 

In English we are continuing with our book the Pied Piper and have been building compound sentences using time adverbs and place conjunctions to vary how our sentences begin. 

During our afternoons we have began our new Art and Design unit, looking at how images are broken down into 2d shapea. In Geography we have begun to look at the Lake District, specifically at its location within the United Kingdom. 

Week commencing: 9th January 2023

Well done to all the children in the top 8 this week. More than 4 of the top 8 members came from year 3!

This week we have began our unit on Multiplication and division, consolidating our knowledge of groups and multiples of 2, 5 and 10. 

In English we are continuing with our book the Pied Piper of Hamelin, looking at sentence structure and co-ordinating conjunctions. 

In the afternoons we have started our new science topic on plants and animals. Begun to look at Bangrha music and were it came from as well as begin our History topic on Ancient Civilisations. 

Week commencing: 2nd January 2023

A lovely first 2 days back. 

To get us back into the swing of things we have continued our unit on addition and subtraction looking at estimation and inverse operations. 

In English we have started our new class book- The Pied Piper of Hamelin and have been consolidating our knowldge on word classes. 

In the afternoons we have been learning about how to solve problems and work together through our P.E and PSHE lessons.