Autumn Term 2024
Important reminders:
Homework will be set on a Friday ready for a spelling and times tables test the following Friday.
Homework will consist of a list of spellings and a list of times tables to learn at home.
Children will need to complete 3 reads a week, recorded on Boom Reader.
PE kits will need to be brought to school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday.
Week commencing 16th December
This week we have been super busy, completing our History unit on Pre History. Have been looking at Sleaford and what makes it a market town in Geography and have really enjoyed the Christmas panto and Carols around the tree.
Week beginning 2nd December
This week we have been exploring grouping, sharing and multiples of 2,5 and 10 in Maths. In English this week we have been using similes, direct speech and noun phrases to describe our journey through the Stone Age with Om.
This week we have also been looking at the different types of settlements in Lincolnshire and how life changed during the Iron Age.
Week beginning 25th November
This week in Maths we have begun to look at multiplication and division by recapping our knowledge of equal groups and arrays as well consolidating our knowledge on our 2,5 and 10 times tables.
In English we have been enjoying our story about the Stone Age, looking at complex sentences, adverbial phrases and onomatopoeias.
Within our foundation subjects we have been looking at the different types of settlements including, port, market and resort towns and have learnt an ancient song focusing on pitch in music.
This week we have also been learning all about different underwater habitats including: the kelp forests, the amazon and the coral reef with our trip to the Deep.
Week beginning 18th November
Year 3 have been working super hard this week during assessment week. We have been using our knowledge that we have learnt so far to answer questions in science, maths and reading.
Alongside this in maths we are using our knowledge of addition and subtraction to look at inverse operations and fact families.
Within our foundation subjects we have been looking at the different types of settlements in Lincolnshire and have continued to build or dances based on the Stone Age.
Week beginning 11th November.
This week we have been planning, drafting and publishing our non-chronological reports on school, and have started our new narrative unit based on the book “stone age boy”
In Maths we have been using our knowledge of numbers within twenty to support with using the formal written method for addition and subtraction.
In the afternoons this week we have continued to create our stone age dance in PE, have begun to explore simulations in computing
On Friday we also had a great day, celebrating Children In Need. Thank you to everyone who donated to this fantastic charity.
Week beginning 4th November 2024
Welcome back Year 3!
This week we have been getting back into the swing of things with our maths unit of addition and subtraction. Using all of our previous learning to add and subtract 3 digit numbers.
We started off our week looking more in depth at the pangolin linking to our English unit, where we are learning the skills to create our own non-chronological report.
In our afternoon sessions we have been looking at how we can create shape images using mechanical lines in Art. Have started to create a stone age dance in PE and have been learning about the different types of settlements in Geography.
Week beginning 14th October 2024
Year 3 you have had an incredible week and have settled into Year 3 life really well.
This week we have been super busy with a trip to the church for R.E, learning about the different land use of Lincolnshire in Geography and creating PowerPoints in computing. This week we have also had a spooktastic time at the Halloween disco, collecting pumpkins and taking part in the best witch cackle competition.
Have a lovely half term!
Week beginning 7th October 2024
In Maths this week we have focused on addition and subtraction using the formal written method to exchange when adding and subtracting across, 1, 10 and 100.
During our English lessons we have begun to write a non-chronological report on the pangolin species, focusing on using the different sentence types, using fronted adverbials and similes.
During the afternoons, we have looked at the physical features of Lincolnshire, completed a mini first aid course and started to create our own gymnastics routines in P.E.
Week beginning 30th September 2024.
This week we have continued being authors finishing our stories of Black Rock. We have also begun to look at our new text all about the human body and have been detectives, exploring the features of non- chronological reports.
In maths this week we have been looking at how can use the formal written method of addition and subtraction to help us solve problems and answer questions.
In our foundations subjects we have been busy learning about the human body, including bones, muscles and looking and nutrients in science. In history we became Hunter Gatherers in History creating our own drama piece.
Week beginning 23rd September 2024
This week we have become authors and have started to plan our own version of ‘Black Rock’.
In maths we have started our addition and subtraction unit, by recapping and focusing on how we can use our knowledge of place value and number bonds to 10 to support us with number representation.
During our afternoon lessons we have looked at the counties surrounding Lincolnshire, finished our artwork on muted tones and we even had a visit from the fire engine to teach us about fire and water safety.
Week beginning 16th September 2023
We’ve had a great week!
Year 3 have been doing some fantastic writing this week, looking at complex sentences, alliteration and adjectives to describe the creatures Erin has met in our class story.
In Maths, we are still working hard with our place value, looking at how can use our knowledge of number to help us create number lines, looking at 1, 10 and 100 more or less as well as looking at the values of digits.
During our foundation subjects we have been looking at how to use Microsoft word to write sentences, using caps lock and the back space button. We have also learnt how to log on to the computers and close them down properly. This week we have also looked at what happened during the last ice age in History and the physical and human features of the United Kingdom in Geography.
Week beginning 9th September 2024
This week we have been continuing to develop our knowledge of place value, looking at partitioning numbers to 1,000 and using our understanding of numbers to determine the values of digits.
In English we have begun our book on the Secrets of black rock and have been uplevelling pur writing use onomatopoeias and similes.
During our non-core lessons we have been, developing our understanding of where humans get their energy from looking at food chains and have begun our RE unit on Christianity- looking at the importance of the Holy Trinity.
Week beginning 2nd September 2024
Welcome Year 3!
This week we have enjoyed getting to know each other, we have spent some time reminding ourselves of school routines and values and have been getting used to life in Year 3.
We have done lots of PSHE this week to support with our transition into Year 3 and have done lots of life skills practice. We have been learning how to undo and do up our top buttons and ties, practiced using a knife and fork correctly, learned how to use purple mash and boom reader for homework, learnt some new playground games for the play time and practiced our ruler skills.