Spring Term 2025
General information:
PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays this term.
Please read with your child a minimum of 2 times every week and upload to Boom reader.
Please practise spellings and multiplications ready for the test every Friday.
WC: 10/02/25
Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Barratt
Last week of term this week, and a busy one at that!
In English we have been working on our sentence stacking and building our sentences apologising for how we have treated the felt tip pens and how we can care for them better. We are really enjoying this book and writing a letter back to the felt tip pens encouraging to give us another chance.
In Maths, we have been adding using our number bonds to help us. E.g. 24 + ? = 30, 37 + ? = 40.
We also had a go at coding in ICT. We had to create algorithms, which told the computer what we wanted it to do and even included a collision detection- we really enjoyed crashing our planes and adding sound to it too!
We had PE and Art with Ms Liston on Wednesday. We also had our final PE dance lesson with Miss Cheryl and performed our routine to Mrs Barrat, who was very impressed!
WC: 03/02/25
Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Barratt
We have worked really hard this week; we have been working on our new book in English ' The day the crayons quit'. We received a letter from our felt tip pens in class explaining they had quit because of the way we are treating them- we need to work our magic to persuade the pens to come back! We have also been persuading our friends to do things they wouldn't normally do.
In Maths, we have been looking at adding numbers together but using our number bonds to make the adding easier e.g. 9 + 4 = 10 + 3 = 13. This is a tricky concept to understand but we have done so well mastering it!
We also started our new unit of History, 'Famous people in History and how we remember them'. Our first famous person we learnt about was Sacagewea. We found out that she helped two American explorers find their way around parts of America helping them eat safe foods, helping them communicate with other tribes and finding out things no one knew before. She was a great addition to the expedition.
On Wednesday, we had Art with Mrs Freeman and PE with Mr Godson.
WC: 27/01/25
Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Barratt
Another week down in Year 2.
In English we have written our own set of instructions how to make binoculars. We used our skills taught in English to help us write them. A great job, well done Year 2.
In Maths, we have been working on related facts. If we know that 2+4=6 then we also know 20+40=60. We have used a range of resources to help us see the related facts including base ten.
In Geography, we looked at the comparisons between a coastal town and the place we live 'Sleaford'. We talked about what is the same and different and the human and physical features we would find in each location.
On Wednesday, we had PE with Mr Godson and Art with Mrs Freeman.
WC: 20/01/25
Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Barratt
This week we have continued to work on our instructions in English. We had to write a set of CLEAR instructions how to make a sandwich- this was so much fun but also a lot trickier than we realised, we do now know how to write clear instructions. We then made some binoculars for our bird watching ready to write some instructions how to make them for our 'Big Write'.
In Maths, we have been using our number bonds to help us subtract e.g. 7-5 and 17-5 and using the knowledge we have to solve these calculations.
In Geography, we looked at lots of different pictures of beaches from around the UK and had to label the human and physical features including stacks, arches, sand dunes, piers and coastal defences etc.
We had PE on Monday with Miss Cheryl.
On Wednesday we had PE with Mr Godson and Art with Mrs Freeman.
WC: 13/01/25
Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Barratt
This week we have been working hard in our English; we looked at foods that are harmful to birds and why they are harmful then used these facts to write sentences explaining why we feed birds certain foods.
In Maths, we have been working on our number bonds to 20. We have been using our number bonds to 10 to help us e.g., 6+4 = 10 will help us know 16+4 = 20.
In Geography, we looked at the coasts in Lincolnshire, we used maps to find and locate the different coasts in Lincolnshire.
We had PE on Monday with Miss Cheryl.
On Wednesday, we had Art with Mrs Freeman and PE with Mr Godson.
Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg
Another busy week with plenty achieved. In Maths we've recapped learning about doubles. We know that adding two of the same number together is doubling it, and we have also noticed it is the two times table because we have two groups of the same number! We've also had a practical lesson on subtracting 1 using our number bonds knowledge.
In English we have continued to write about making a bird feeder, looking at imperative verbs, complex 'if' sentences, using brackets (again!) and adverbs. We are getting ready for our Big Write next week!
In Science we had lesson 2 in our Bodies topic, learning about what humans need in order to survive. The list of things we need is very different to the list of things we want! In RE we began our new topic learning about Islam. We were introduced to the first Pillar of Islam, Shahada, the declaration of faith. We had a spelling test on Thursday and were introduced to our new spelling and multiplication test which will happen every Friday going forward.
A busy week, well done everyone for all of your hard work. Enjoy your weekend!
WC: 06/01/25
Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Barratt
Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely Christmas and a very happy new year.
We have started back really well and made our teachers very proud.
In English, we have started our new unit of work; writing instructions 'How to make a bird feeder'. We have had two shape days, we have read two different instruction texts, 'How to make a bird feeder' and 'How to build a den'. We made our own bird feeders and then used our shapes and labelled parts of the text. Next, we had an experience day, we looked at a range of instruction texts and then played imperative verb games! It was fun.
In Maths, we have been counting on within 20 e.g., 12 + 4 and 11 + 7 etc. We have worked really hard to use resources to add these numbers and then putting the numbers in our head and then adding on. Again, a great job by us all!
In Geography, we started our new unit all about the UK and its seas. We talked about what the difference is between the ocean and a sea and then used the atlases to label the different seas around the UK.
We had PE on Monday with Miss Cheryl dancing and PE with Mr Godson on Wednesday, we also had Art with Mrs Freeman on Wednesday.
A great start to the new term, well done all!
Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg
Welcome back everyone! Lovely to see all the smiling faces and hear all of the stories about Christmas.
We've hit the ground running this week, straight back into normality with recaps of our number bonds, part/whole models and finding a part in our Maths lessons along with adding one more. In English we've looked at rhetorical questions, alliteration and superlatives, bullet points, brackets and adjectives. Phew, lots to remember and even more to write about! We are enjoying writing instructions on our bird feeder topic.
In Science we have completed our first lesson in our new topic: Our Bodies. Our first lesson was all about how the human body changes from being born all the way to being an elderly person, the things we cannot do as babies and toddlers to what we'd like to do when we grow up. Lots of us want to ride a motorbike so get ready for that grown-ups!
Friday saw the return of Rock Kidz, a much anticipated date in our calendar. We love dressing up, rocking out and learning about the messages of morality they bring with them and perform in such a fun way. This year was all about anti-bullying. We had some great sing alongs and dance offs as part of our day. A spelling activity finished off our week. Speaking of spellings, from next week we will be introducing a new spelling and multiplication test every Friday. These will be sent home one week to be tested on the next week and the results will come home with your child each week.
Have a great weekend!