
Autumn Term 2024

General information:

PE is on Wednesdays and Fridays this term.

Please read with your child a minimum of 2 times every week and upload to Boom reader.

Welcome to Year 2.

We are looking forward to spending the year with you all and watching everyone grow! 

WC: 16.12.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

We made it to the end, what a long term we have had!

In English we have been publishing our Big Write in neat, what an amazing piece of writing we have achieved!

In Maths, we have been subtracting and finding how many left. We have been using tens frames to help solve these problems.

We have also been continuing with our Music this week. We have been using the glockenspiels to play to a beat!

On Wednesday, we had PE with Mr Godson and Art with Mrs Freeman.

Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg

Wooooo! We made it! Hello Christmas holidays!

We've had a lovely end to our week, finishing off some of our Maths learning adding and subtracting 1 and 2 from a number both practically with number lines and by using our knowledge of number bonds. We've completed our last spelling test of 2024, had a Science lesson about food chains and completed the week by getting into the Christmas spirit. Friday was a day for panto (OH YES IT WAS!) and Carols Around the Tree. 

Have a wonderful, safe and happy time off and we'll see you in 2025!

WC: 09.12.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

So close to the end! 

In English this week, we have been writing our own story like the BBC advert 'A Christmas Star'. We have worked really hard to use our skills in our lessons and apply them into our own stories.

In Maths, we have been working on our adding and finding parts of a number. We have used lots of resources to help us solve these problems. A great week Year 2.

In Music we have been singing lots, playing instruments finding the beat and listening to the tempo.

On Wednesday, we had Art with Mrs Freeman and PE with Mr Godson.

We have had such a lovely busy week!

Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg

A busy week and a lovely trip to St Denys church as part of our RE learning about Christianity. Father Philip showed us some of the features of the church and even treated us to a performance on the organ! In Maths we continued learning about our number bonds, this time applying it to subtraction and finding a missing part. We used part whole models and counters, counted on to find the difference and counted back to find the missing number. 

We loved our Christmas dinners on Christmas jumper day and particularly enjoyed Mr Clay's kareoke session! In Science we continued to learn about habitats, this time unfamiliar ones such as the desert, rainforest and ocean. In our English lesson we had our very own talent show, just like Jasmine on our BBC advert that we have been writing about. We listened to singers, watched dancers and boxers and enjoyed ukelele performances, well done everyone!

We finished the week with a spelling activity and our final PE lesson of the year where we performed our dances and recorded them for assessment. Enjoy your weekend everyone, one more week to go!

WC: 02.12.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

Only 2 weeks to go now! 

In English this week, we continued with our advert 'The Christmas Star'. We wrote sentences working on repetition, alliteration and questions. We will be moving onto planning and then writing our own story next week. Can't wait to read them.

In Maths, we have practised our number bonds to 10. We are trying really hard to memorise them or using our fingers to help us out when we have a number problem question. Then we added numbers together. We have worked really hard this week to crack this.

For D&T week, we have just introduced what we are making- festive bread. We have completed a bread taste test where we tasted: sourdough, pretzel, baguette, ancient grain and white bread. We had to rate the bread out of 5 and discussed the appearance, texture and taste. We then planned and designed the bread we would like to make ready for making on Thursday.

On Wednesday, we had Art with Mrs Freeman and PE with Mr Godson.

Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg

In our English lessons this week we began writing a plan so that we could start our Big Write with Mrs Barratt on Monday next week. We filled out a narrative map and then wrote some notes so that we had all the information we need to make sure our writing is amazing. In Maths we looked at addition problems, using our knowledge of number bonds and our detective skills to find out from the word problem what we needed to do. 

The rest of our days were filled up with our exciting Design and Technology lessons! We decided to make a sweet chocolate tree and a cheese topped tree. We weighed out and then mixed the ingredients, letting the dough prove twice before shaping it into our final designs. One last prove then into the oven. Tasting and evaluating were possibly the highlight of our week! The breads were both absolutely delicious, well done year 2!

WC: 25.11.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

Another week completed! 

In English, we were acting as judges and judged performances from Britain's Got Talent! We loved this lesson! We then wrote some fantastic sentences using repetition, musical language and negative feelings describing how Jasmine felt being ignored.

In Maths, we have been working on our subtraction skills to solve a range of subtraction problems. This has been tricky, but we are working hard!

In Geography, we used ordnance survey maps for Lincolnshire and plotted key towns and cities noting their landmarks and labelling on a map with a key. We also did some Music, we learnt a new song with movement to match the rhythm and beat along with percussion instruments- it was great fun!

On Wednesday afternoon, we had Art with Mrs Freeman and PE with Mr Godson.

WC: 18.11.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

A busy week for us this week, we have been working really hard to complete our assessments in Reading, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. We have been amazing and really impressed our teachers. Well done, Year 2.

We completed our History unit of work learning about the moon landing with Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. We reenacted the mission landing on the moon and repeated his famous words, 'One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.'

In Geography, we went on a walk around Sleaford looking at human features- particularly landmarks in Sleaford.

On Wednesday, we had Art with Mrs Freeman and PE with Mr Godson.

Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg

Another week, done! In Maths we've tackled mixed subtraction using our knowledge of column method, both exchanging and not exchanging. We've taken a step back to revise some of our previous learning, looking at number bonds to 10 using ten frames and our fingers to consolidate our understanding. In Science we have continued to learn about habitats, this week looking at familiar habitats that we know about and might have visited such as the woods or a pond. We have been sentence stacking in our English lessons, writing exciting sentences to add to our working wall and build up our bank of sentences ready for our own Big Write in a few weeks time. 

WC: 11.11.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

Another week done in Year 2, the time is flying by.

In English this week, we have been looking at our new unit 'My Christmas Star' advert. We have watched a small snippet of it and seen how excited Jasmine is when she comes out of school and gives Dad a flyer about the talent contest, but his phone rings again and it is work, he answers it. We talked about being ignored by adults and why that happens and how it makes us feel, we then compared this to Jasmine and how it made her feel. We also wrote sentences describing how Jasmine feels as she hands Dad the flyer and how she feels as he ignores her and answers his phone.

In Maths, we have been adding two 2-digit numbers. We used Base 10 to help us see how we add and what it looks like especially when we add across a 10. This has been a tricky concept, but we have tried really hard to solve the problems given to us.

In History, we learnt about the Titanic. We found out about the Titanic and the history behind it, we then looked at how it sank and what evidence we have to tell us about the sinking of the Titanic. We looked at the use of 'Telegraphs' as a form of evidence and what it looked like and newspapers from 1912. We really enjoyed learning about the Titanic.

In Geography, we have been learning about Lincolnshire and human features. We used ordnance survey maps to see if we could find human features. We found, cathedrals, farms, prisons, hospitals, schools as well as houses.

On Wednesday, we had Art with Mrs Freeman and PE with Mr Godson.

WC: 04.11.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

Welcome back- Term 2! We have all come back with a great start.

This week in English, we have continued with our poem 'If I were in charge of the world...' So, this week we have written our own poem writing things that we would have and wouldn't have if we were in charge. We have done such a great job writing our own poems! Well done. Year 2.

In Maths, we have been subtracting. We have subtracting across a 10 and from a 10. We used patterns to help with this e.g. 10-3=7, 20-3=17, 30-3=27, 40-3=37 etc. We had a great go at this.

In History, we learnt about the Great Fire of London. We looked at evidence which tells us about this moment in History. We looked at Samuel Pepy's diary recount of what happened in 1666 and then looked at some secondary sources of evidence which included songs about the 'Great Fire of London'. We really enjoyed learning about this. In Geography, we started our new unit of work 'What have humans built in Lincolnshire?', we looked at what a city was and the difference between a city and town. We used atlases to find cities in the UK and then used Google Maps to compare the size of these cities against Sleaford.

Wednesday afternoon, we had PE with Mr Godson and Art with Mrs Freeman.


WC: 14.10.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

This week, we have continued to work hard in our English. We have been writing all about what we would change if we were in charge of the world and how we would change the school! We decided it would be best if there were lollipop pens, lessons were Art all day and our tables were made from gold, someone suggested that we swap teachers for robots!

In Maths, we have been adding by making 10. E.g. 8+5 =? So, we would find the number bond to 10 then add the remainder: 8+2+3= 13. This was a tricky concept, but we smashed it! Then we worked on adding three 1-digit numbers using ten frames to help us. 

Continuing our history unit, we learnt about Pre-historic evidence right back form the Stone Age. We looked at what evidence they left behind and what we could tell from the evidence. We particularly looked at cave art. From this, we created our own cave art. There were some super pieces!

On Wednesday afternoon, we had PE with Mr Godson and Art with Mrs Freeman.

Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg

In Maths we explored number bonds to 100 making links with the number bonds we know to 10 as well as adding and subtracting one. In English we sentence stacked for our new text 'If I Were in Charge of the World' thinking about the things we don't like to eat (I still cannot believe that some of the children in our class don't like CAKE!!!!), things we dont like like early mornings or early bedtimes as well as annoying clothing or things that make us grumpy like telling fibs, wet breaks or children shrugging their shoulders (that was mine!). We also had our spelling test with the introduction of our new words, an RE lesson on the Greatest Commandment and then lots of Music lessons including some singing cats!

I'm ready for the weekend, have fun!

WC: 07.10.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

Well done, another week completed. In Maths this week, we have been working on fact families e.g. 4+3=7, 3+4=7, 7-3=4, 7-4=3. We have also been looking at related facts to help with our adding .e.g. 5+3=8, 50+30=80. We have tried really hard to follow the patterns.

In English, we read all about our new poem 'If I were in charge of the world'. We then used our shapes to identify which shape goes where using the key to help us. We then had two experience days; we researched and read about world leaders including Queen Victoria, King Charles and Julius Ceasar. Also, we created a wanted poster imagining we were the world leader and what we would stop, this also included parents telling us to 'tidy our room' and 'eat our greens!'.

We continued with our PE on Monday afternoon, learning balances and movements. We started our new History unit all about evidence. We learnt about where evidence comes from and how we know about the past. Year 2 got to become archaeologists for the day, we had to dig for dinosaur bones and match the bones to their description!

On Wednesday afternoon, we had PE with Mr Godson and Art with Mrs Freeman.

Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg

A recap lesson started our Maths learning, remembering and beginning to partition flexibly using Base 10. We reminded ourselves about our 2's, 5's and 10's and were thinking of our number bonds to 10 including adding and subtracting. We will need our number bond knowledge to support our learning in the coming weeks so this is an area to practise at home if needed. 

In English we acted out the stories we wrote about our very own Itty Bitty, our Hairy Honey Bun, and used the little Hairy Honey Buns that Miss Liston made for us! We were also introduced to our new text, a poem called 'If I Were in Charge of the World'. We identified the shapes on our map and talked about what they might mean when reading the poem together. We are excited already about this new text!

In RE we discussed the story of Adam and Eve and their banishment from the Garden of Eden and in Science we looked at wild animals and how they survive in the wild. In Art we learned about 2D shapes and made pictures using them inspired by artists like Mondrian and Kandinsky.

Have a wonderful weekend!

WC: 30.09.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

Another week down, and haven't we worked hard!

In English this week, we have been writing our own fiction story all about a Hairy Honey Bun! We have had really good fun writing our own story! Can't wait to see the finished pieces!

In Maths, we have been practising our 3 times tables and have worked really hard to learn these- please keep practicing at home!

In Geography, we looked at the similarities and differences between the countries within the UK. We have really enjoyed learning about the UK this term but looking forward to starting our History unit of work all about Evidence next week.

Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg

Finishing off the week strong with some times tables knowledge in Maths, working on counting in multiples of 2's, 5's and 10's. In English we were writing our plan for our next Big Write, we are so excited to write our own version of 'The Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty' featuring our Hairy Honey Bun! We started our first part of the story, writing with our capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and adventurous adjectives. 

In Science we continued to learn about living things, we completed our spelling test and learned about our new words and learned about another aspect of Christianity and the 10 Commandments.

Have a super weekend!

WC: 23.09.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

This week has been a fun week! We have been continuing to work on our English story and have been writing some super sentences including time adverbials, using onomatopoeia, writing sentences with exclamations and even using alliteration. Great work Year 2. We have now started to write a plan for our own story!

In Maths, we have been comparing numbers and ordering numbers from smallest to greatest and vice versa. 

In Geography this week, we have been looking at the human and physical features of the countries in the UK. We had to decide from a range of pictures whether they were a human or physical feature. 

In PSHE, we have been looking at rewards and consequences and what realistic ones look like, and which rewards we find most memorable.

On Wednesday afternoon, we had Art with Mrs Freeman and PE with Mr Godson.

Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg

Its been all about the times tables this week, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. In English we've now finished our learning about The Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty and its time to plan and start our own stories about The Hairy Honey Bun! 

In Science we have been learning about how we help our pets to survive and in RE about the Greatest Commandment which links nicely to last weeks learning about loving your neighbour.

Have a super weekend!

WC: 16.09.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

Another week completed in Year 2; we have worked super hard again!

In Maths this week, we have been working really hard to write numbers to 100 in expanded form and writing numbers to 10 on a number line to 100.

In English we have been writing super sentences to help us with our own story including onomatopoeia, actions and precise verbs. We are really enjoying our English book.

In PE, we have been practising our high and low balances and moving around the room. We saw some fantastic sequences from the children. In Geography, we have been looking at atlases and labelling countries in the UK, the seas and capital cities.

A great start to the week!

Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg

In Maths this week we explored number lines, adding 10s and 1s to them and then using number lines to estimate where numbers should be. We know that an estimate is not exact but it is a sensible guess. We tried our best to be very careful and notice where the number line started and finished so that we knew whether we needed to count in 10s or 1s when adding numbers to it. On Friday we revisited our knowledge of the inequality symbols <, > and = and used mathematical language such as greater than, less than and equal to to compare groups of objects. 

In English we talked about people who collect things like stickers, stamps or stuffed toys. We found out Miss Liston is a huge collector of all sorts of things! We also looked at adverbial openers, repetition and adjectives in our lesson on Friday. 

In Science we looked at how animals change over time, discussing how babies change into adults and examining the life cycle of a frog. In RE we learned about the story of the Good Samaritan and how Jesus talked about loving your neighbour as you love yourself.

What a lot of learning we've done this week! Have yourselves a weekend off!

WC: 09.09.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

Our first full week back, well done Year 2!

In English this week, linking to our new book 'The Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty', our character Eddie visited a bakery looking for an Itty Bitty. We were really lucky and tasted lots of cakes and pastries that you might find in a baker, we also learnt about a bakers job. We talked about what a high street was and even got to look at Sleaford's high street using street view. We had a go at writing sentences about what the cakes might smell like, what the baker said to Eddie and how Eddie felt after leaving the bakers empty handed.

In Maths, we looked at tens and ones and then used a place value chart to place the tens and ones in their correct places. E.G., 36 = 30 and 6, 3 tens and 6 ones or 75 = 5 and 70, 5 ones and 7 tens.

In Gymnastics, we looked at balancing. We had to use a high balance and a low balance and even added in some movement between the two balances.

We started our new Geography unit - United Kingdom. We learnt about the four countries and located them in Atlases and on globes. We really enjoyed looking for the UK and realised how small we actually are compared to the rest of the world.

Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg

In Maths we've been partitioning this week, looking at numbers to 100 and partitioning into both tens and ones as well as flexibly partitioning and looking for patterns. We've also been writing numbers to 100 in words.

In English we discussed the next plot points, describing what items made from different materials in the charity shop felt like to touch, thinking of expanded noun phrases using commas and writing questions with question marks. On Friday we did some noticing about some different items which might be in the antiques shop, used similies to compare and then used speech marks and repetition for effect. 

In Science we looked at living things and whether they were alive, once alive or never alive by going on a hunt around the school and on the playgrounds. We saw some very interesting minibeasts! In RE we learned about the 10 Commandments and how they help Christians to live their lives.

Have a great weekend!

WC: 02.09.24 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

What a fantastic start to the year we are having. All the children in Year 2 have settled in brilliantly and are willing to take on the challenges of Year 2.

We have had a great start to week learning how Year 2 works and our new routines. We have been looking at what our topics in non-core will be this year and also even havinga go at handwriting! We have been learning about our hopes and fears for the year in PSHE too.

Looking forward to catching up with everybody again next week for a full week in Year 2. 

Thursday & Friday - Miss Cragg

We've ended our first week strong learning how to stick our Maths stickers into our books, learning about numbers to 20 and counting objects to 100 by making 10s. We've gone straight into our learning like ducks to water! 

Our first English lesson was making cornflake cakes, we could get used to this! A very yummy lesson. We accompanied this with writing a thoughtful note to someone and discussed how it felt to receieve special presents like this. To end the weeks English lessons we learned about superlatives, inner thought and subordination. 

Have a wonderful weekend to celebrate making it through your first week back at school and your first week in Year 2!