
Summer Term 2024

Useful information:

Our learning this term

PE is on Mondays (indoors) and Wednesdays (outdoors) each week. Please have a PE kit in school. 

Please read at least 3 times a week. Every child will have decodable phonics books and a sharing home reading book sent home. Please make sure these books are in school each day.

Spellings will be sent home each Monday. Please support your child to rehearse them so they are ready for a test the following week.

WC 15th July.

Our last full week in year 1 together! We have continued to keep up our stamina and work hard!

In English, we really enjoyed writing our own reports about how toys have changed. We included sub headings, great drawings and lots of interesting facts and questions.

In Maths, we have been identifying coins and notes and using our counting skills to count them in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have also been recapping our days of the week- thinking about the questions - what do we do on different days of the week, what day it is tomorrow, what day was it yesterday and which days do we go to school!

In PHSE, we have continued to think about change, listening to a PSHE Jigsaw story about a change for 'Jigsaw Jack' into a new class. We thought about what he may be worried about and what he may look forward to. In Science, we have completed our terms learning by thinking about what plants need to grow and pollination. We have started to tidy and plant in some of our school outdoor areas and we also made our own pollen grain out of clay.

We were able to watch the Year 6 dress rehearsal of their Summer performance. Fabulous! Lots to look forward to for our final week - including our whole school Songkran festival!

WC 8th July.

The time feels like it is flying too fast!

This week Year 1 have enjoyed designing, creating and evaluating a little construction project - a garage suitable for nursery children to play with and fit at least one toy car! Different doors were created and there were all sorts of extra features such as ladders, windows, tiling and  decorations to personalise the constructions. Thank you to our year 6 helpers - great guidance and support given.

In English, we are coming to the end of our toys from the past report. We have learnt about  using alliteration or rhyme in our sub headings, how to write different styles of questions and what it means to have a glossary! We will be writing our own report next week and we think everyone will do a superb job. 😊

In Maths, we have continued with our place value within 100. We have been using number lines which everyone was fabulous at! We have found one more and one less and finished the week really testing our maths brains by comparing the tens in two digit numbers and then the ones! What a whizz maths week we’ve had!

We had a special visitor as part of our life skills curriculum - Mr Parkin - who is a local train driver. We got to see lots of pictures of his travels, to see his huge rule book (much, much bigger than our School one!) and got to look in his driver bag! We role played driving the train ourselves - phew that was tiring! Thank you for visiting us, sharing all your knowledge and answering all our questions. We are all looking forward to any future East coast train rides!

We have managed to fit in our usual PE lessons and lots of our Year 1 children completed dance exams - FAB-U-LOUS! We also completed our History unit learning by comparing different sound systems for technology past to present - including Mrs Wardell's old record player! 

Today, Friday, the fabulous School Carnival! What an exciting, creative day!

WC 1st July.

Another busy week for Year 1.

In English, we started the week comparing computer games from the past to what we play today. We had lots of fun (and got a little frustrated at the slower speed!) playing Pac man, Frogger and Snake! Have a go at home if you remember any of them? We also listened to and read facts and shared our ideas. We then put our new knowledge into action and wrote some super sentences to describe computer games. We finished the week thinking about whizzing wheels! We discussed how it feels to ride a modern skateboard or bike.

In Maths, we continued to count from 50 to 100. Watch the number blocks episode about the big 100! try and count on from any number or even try doing this backwards! We continued number tracks, located and placed missing numbers on 100 squares and started to explain how we knew we’d positioned our numbers correctly. We have counted in tens to 100 and also started to think about how we can partition our 2 digit numbers into tens and ones.

We have completed our RE learning by comparing the different religions of Christianity, the Islamic faith, Hinduism and also the Scientific Big Bang Theory. In Science, we have explored and identified the flowers in the EYFS outdoor area, thought about garden plants we prefer and what we would like to see in our own gardens.

We had a fabulous day out at the Woodside Wildlife Park on Wednesday. Everyone was so sensible and asked and answered lots of Science questions about the different animals, reptiles and birds. We learnt so much from the wonderful, knowledgeable Zoo keepers. 

Finally, well done to the whole class by representing their house and taking part in our EYFS and KS1 Sports day. It was a great day as always - everyone was full of determination in both the morning activities and the afternoon races. Thank you also to the parents, carers and friends who supported the event

Next week is the start of our Summer Design and Technology mini project - get your creative juices flowing as we will be making a garage fit for purpose!

WC 24th June.

This week has been Summer assessment week across the School so we have been busy doing a variety of maths questions, reading comprehension and science assessments.  Well-done everyone.

We made time for some super dance movements of different sea creatures - linking back to our story of the Rainbow Fish. We are ready to sequence this in our next PE lesson.  We also continued with athletics and sports day rehearsal. KS1 sports day is on 4th July.

We also continued to travel round the globe in Geography; to think about the colder parts of our planet and where they are in relation to the equator. We enjoyed movement and singing about the Seasons in music. Our Art took a Science theme on Wednesday when we crafted 3D flowers and then labelled their parts. In History, we developed our own timeline and finished the week with Science by enjoying the fruits of our labour - potato picking and tastng!


WC 17th June.

In English, we have started learning skills ready to write a factual report. We have learnt about writing interesting titles, subheadings and how to write questions and statements. Of course to do this we needed to know some facts about old toys. We have started with our oldest toy on our timeline - the teddy bear and a more recent toy - the skateboard! Of course Rupert and Paddington Bear made an appearance at our own Year 1 Teddy Bears picnic along with our own special Bears. 

In Maths, we continued to learn about fractions. Continuing with finding half - this time of a quantity.Then a quarter of different shapes and also of different quantities. 

In Spellings, we are now recapping all our tricky words and everyone is doing a super job. Keep this up in all your writing. In Geography, we thought about the equator and what and where it is. We used the globe and atlases to guide us. In History, we continued to think about how technology has changed - this time all about the internet! On Wednesday, we enjoyed a special musical introduction to the steel drums. In Science, we enjoyed identifying different trees. Another busy week Year 1! 😊

Don’t forget we have our summer class trip to the Wildlife park on July 3rd…we need all trip letter replies as soon as possible please.


WC 10th June.

In English, we completed writing our story start. Our Bear arrived in the huge, dazzling city - ready to perform his new skills and wow the crowds! We ended the week with a new focus - exploring a non fiction text and its features. Watch this space for our factual writing about toys from the past…

In Maths, we have finished our learning on multiplication and division with some grouping and sharing. Excellent work! We have also started some learning on how to recognise and find half a shape or object. Briliant job! Make sure you share any chocolate in two equal parts! 

In Geography, we continued our learning about weather and climate and have been busy reading and sorting statements. We began to discuss the differences around our globe. In History, we compared communication technology past and present. We had fun exploring some old telephones from the 1970s and 1980s, dialing and role playing chatting on them! In Science, we created a tree together - discussing all its parts and then labelling them. In Art, we develped our own Andy Warhol 'soup can' picture based on his image from popular culture and we have also started our PSHE learning about how we change as we grow. 

Finally, well done to the whole class for all their phonics work - everyone did a superb job and should be proud of themselves! Happy weekend. 😊


WC 3rd June.

Welcome back! What a busy first week...

In English, we have finished reading our story about our talented Bear! We predicted the Bear may be homesick for his old friends and his home in the forest. We have been busy writing more sentences to describe his return. We have also started to independently write our own story start. Instead of a piano we added our own ideas and the creative Bear found a paint easel, some dancing shoes or a different musical instrument!

In Maths, we have started counting in 5s, as-well as our 2s and 10s! We have also been busy recognising equal groups, adding equal groups and making arrays! Wow!

In Science, we have started to find out about the plants around us. In Geography, we have started to discuss where it is hot and cold in the world; together we have considered the differences between weather and climate. In PE, we are beginning to prepare for sports day. Thinking about our speed, running within a lane and how we can work as a team. We have also been dancing, exploring how we can move to the music representing different animals. 

We have also fitted in lots of phonics and reading. Brilliant job!


WC 20th May.

In English, we started the week by listening to a variety of pianists. We have written sentences describing how the forest Bear must have felt learning the piano and then playing to a large crowd. We have also written about how the audience responded to his beautiful music. We have discussed and described the dazzling lights of the New York City theatres as this is where the Bear in our story has now travelled to! Super sentences written Year 1!

In Maths, we have been comparing the capacity of different containers and we have also started our multiplication learning! We have been counting in twos and tens. Great job! Keep counting!

We have learnt about the Scientific Big Bang Theory in RE. In PHSE, we talked about our relationship with ourself - our individual skills and how everyone is incredible in different ways and how we can be our own best friend. In History, we have continued to think about how technoogy has changed. In Science, our learning this week has been all about the features of feathery birds - including spending time with our own School chicken called Nugget! We also got creative in Art, producing our own individual piece based on our learnng about the Pop Art movement. Fabulous!

The week and term finished with a 'break the School rules day!'

We hope you all have a lovely half term break. We are looking forward to our final Summer term in Year 1. We have lots of fun things ahead including our Summer trip, a Design and Technology mini project to create and our KS1 Sports Day!

Relax, enjoy the break and keep reading!


WC 13th May

In English, we completed and illustrated our stories. We hope you enjoyed reading them! We have started a new book ‘The Bear and the Piano’. We used our imagination to explore our school tree lined walk and spotted forest images. We have started to describe the forest the Bear lives in and how the Bear must have felt to find a piano amongst the trees and leaves. What an unusual object to find in a forest! Have you ever listened to a pianist or tried to play a piano?

In Maths, we have enjoyed comparing mass and volume. We have been measuring using scales and cups and jugs.

We have learnt about the Hindu creation story in RE and been learning a new song about water in Music. We will add instruments next week! In Science, we finished the week with some exciting visitors…including a snake!Thank you to our kind parents for giving the time to share this with us. What an experience!

Well done to the children returning their phonics challenges. Remember to check in with Mrs Smith who has a treat for all those completing them. 🙂🙂


WC 7th May

In English, we have continued with our story. Some children’s stories took a scary turn when their character met a fierce, black panther in the forest! Others met a sly, mean fox or a grizzly bear! Everyone has created some lovely sentences to describe how the animal looked and how scared poor granny or grandad felt - so much so they hid under their bed! What super illustrations everyone’s adding to their book too! Great work!

In Maths, we continued to count to 50 and find one more and one less than different numbers. We have also started new learning about length and height. We enjoyed comparing who was taller or shorter and measuring using different objects. Maybe you can continue to compare the length or height or width of different objects out in the garden? Which leaf is wider or longer?

In History, we have had another special treat - this time a special Visitor who could show and tell us all about games and toys from the past. What a wonderful experience. Thank you so much to Mark Bamford (Chairman) of Sleaford Museum Trust.In Art, we have created some beautiful, bright pop art paintings - gorgeous! In Geography, we completed our learning about our globe by thinking about where it is hotter in the world and which ocean we are closest to. Anyone fancy a swim in the salty sea now the weathers a little warmer?! In Science, we have learnt about fish and drawn and labelled our own diagrams.

What a busy week! Fabulous!


Wc 29th April.

In English, we were relieved to learn that there was a happy ending to our story book and that the hunter saved the day! We got busy plotting and writing our own version of the story. So far, we have created our own character, what he or she has in their basket for Granny and headed into the calm, shaded wood. I wonder what our character will see and hear and where our stories will take us next…

In Maths, we have continued to partition numbers into tens and ones using equipment and part whole models. We have completed number lines to 50, estimated the position of numbers on blank number lines and found one more and one less than different numbers. Phew! What super mathematicians we are becoming!

In Science, we are still intrigued by our rain gauges and checking the daily temperature. We will continue to monitor these but we are also now thinking about the animals in the world around us. We are learning about the animals we see everyday and have been sorting out groups of animals depending on whether they are pets or wild! In PE, we have continued to sequence moves by contrasting two different rolls and we have started to throw a ball using an overarm throw to gain a greater distance. Great job!

We enjoyed a fabulous History trip on Thursday and got to see firsthand how different Mrs Smith’s cottage was to how our homes are today! Did you know her cottage dates back to the 1830's? We were intrigued by her range, meat safe, wash house and her little ladder up to bed! We couldn’t imagine living without electricity or not having a television until we were 80 years old! We especially loved trying out how to do the washing using an old fashioned washing dolly and laundry posser!That was hard work!


WC 22nd April.

This week in English we have been building up our stamina to write. We have thought about the parts in the story (of Little Red Riding Hood) where the wolf arrives at Granny’s cottage and Grandma is eaten! We have written about how poor Granny must have been feeling and what we noticed about the wolf’s appearance! ‘What pointy ears you have! What bright eyes you have! What sharp teeth you have….’

Everyone has continued to work hard in phonics and we are impresed with everyone's reading. Look out for phonics QR codes that will be emailed to you and keep up the great phonics book reading!

In Maths, we have started to count in tens to 50 and count by making groups of ten. We have used resources to help. We finished the week challenging ourselves by counting in tens and ones. We all agreed it was much more accurate (and quicker!) to group our tens first using a tens frame then count on in ones to get the total.

In Geography, we have been learning about the oceans of the world. We listened to the sound of the ocean, learnt about how vast they are and how so many species and living things make their home there! In PE, we are linking movements together (by rolling) and learning 1v1 games skills. In History, this term we will be thinking about how technology has developed since our grandparents were born.  We are looking forward to exploring lots of artefacts from the past during our class visit to ‘Mrs Smith’s cottage’ in Navenby next week (Thursday 2nd May). What an interesting experience that will be! 


WC 16th April 2024.

A busy and lovely first week back!

In English, we have been writing about the familiar story of Little Red Riding Hood. We have used lots of writing skills to create interesting sentences for the start of the story.  We particularly enjoyed going on a ‘virtual forest walk’ and used our senses to explore forest moss, bark, twigs, leaves, wild flowers and mud! We have reached the part in the story where the wolf is prowling nearby! We loved noticing all the wolf's scary features.

In Maths,  we are now learning to count within 50. We have completed missing numbers on number grids and tracks. We have used base ten to help us think about the tens and ones in each number. Look out for a number grid to 50 in your child's bag. See if you can challenge your child to count up to 50 using the grid to help them. Ask them to find different numbers and ask them how they knew where it would be positioned on the grid. See if they spot or can explain any number patterns!

In Geography, we have learnt that there’s more water than land on our planet! We have been learning about the different bodies of water and how they differ.  In PSHE, we thought about the importance of families and how no family is the same. In Art, we have began new exciting and vibrant learning about Pop Art. 😊 In RE, we have recapped our knowledge on the Christian Creation story ready to compare different Creation stories this term. In Music, we enjoyed our last weather music session with actions and singing about rolling thunder! Luckily we have had more sunshine for our playtimes this week!

Keep reading and have fun writing stories...We look forward to seeing you again on Monday!