
Summer Term 2021


Week Commencing 14th June 2021


We have had a fantastic week this week with lots of exciting events.


This week we have been exploring a new book ‘Julian is a mermaid’. We started the book when we were left a note and some sea shells from a wise fish called Naima. She told us that we should follow our dreams and that one day our dreams may come true.


In Maths we have been continuing to look at multiplication and division and have been looking at how we can double numbers and share amount equally into groups.


In topic we have been looking closely at the seasons and discussing the similarities between summer and spring. As well as looking at the different parts of a flower.


This week we have also been continuing with our Art lessons exploring colour and paint and we even got to try out the new art easels, it was lots of fun and we felt like real artists.


We were also really lucky as we had a visit from Luna the dragon, she was really kind and let us stroke her. She loved to be tickled under her chin


Week commencing: 7th June 2021


What a great first week back!


We have been super busy this week, looking at Iggy Peg the architect in English and looking at arrays and in Maths.


In English this week we have travelled to London (virtually)! We went on a bus trip to Covent Garden’s where we watched street performers, at fish and chips and walked around the busy streets and shops. We had a fantastic time. We used everything that we had learnt about Covent Garden to write an information leaflet about why people should go to Covent Garden, practicing the use of our capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.


In maths we have been looking at arrays and trying really hard to identify and find the difference between rows and columns. We have also been using our knowledge of our times tables to count groups of objects to find the total amount.


In topic this week we have been looking at deciduous and evergreen trees whilst exploring how animals can be similar and different.


Week commencing 17.5.21


Wow what an exciting week this week.


This week we have been super busy.


We have been exploring our new book in English about a very selfish Pug called Pig. He wouldn’t share any of his toys. We really enjoyed reading this story and read it lots of times before turning the story into a story mountain. Miss Massingham received a letter from Pig on Thursday where he asked if we would help him write a book about how to be a good pet. Of course, we said yes.


In maths we have started looking at times tables and learning the chants for the 2,5 and ten times table. We have been practicing really hard at these and we are getting really good.


In topic this week we went out on a trip around Sleaford and went litter picking. We learnt all about the impact that litter and plastic have on the environment, including how it can harm animals and the nature around us. We had lots of fun picking up the litter and making Sleaford look nice again.



Week commencing: 10.5.21




Year 1 have had a great week this week.




In English we have been working really hard on a big write where we have been using capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, conjunctions and adjectives to retell the story of lost and found.


In maths we have been looking at number bonds to 100 and partitioning numbers to 100.


In topic we have been we have been looking at the affects of plastic in our planet and whether plastic will float or sink.


We have also been continuing with our TastEd lessons and this week have been exploring taste through our sense of listening.

Week commencing 4.5.21

We have had a good week this week.


In English we have been reading our class book ‘Lost and Found’ and learning about the conjunction but, we have written some fantastic sentences. We have also been trying really hard with our punctuation making sure that we are using our finger spaces, capital letters and full stops correctly.


In Maths we have been looking at numbers to 100- counting in our tens and partitioning numbers into their tens and ones.


In Topic we have been looking more closely at David Attenborough and the species that he has discovered during his lifetime. We then linked this to the discoveries that have been made since we were born.


We  would like to wish Sir David Attenborough a happy 95th birthday.

Polite reminders: 

  • Please can all children bring a coat to school even if it is sunny on the morning as we know the british can be unpredictable. 
  • From next week children must be in school PE kit on a Tuesday and Wednesday: 
  • black joggers or red shorts 
  • trainers
  • white pe top with the school logo 
  • school jumper if needed. 
  • Please ensure your child is prepared for PE outside.
  • Phonics books must be returned on a Friday.


Week commencing 26.4.21




This week we have been working really hard looking at numbers to 100. We have practiced counting to 100 and exploring the number patterns.




In English we have been reading some more of ‘lost and found’. We have discovered that the boy is going on an expedition to take the penguin to the South Pole. As part of our writing lessons we have been looking at instructions. We told Miss Massingham how to make jam sandwiches and realised the importance of being specific when writing instructions. We told Miss Massingham to put the jam on the bread, so Miss M put the whole jar of jam on top of the loaf of bread woops.




After Miss M gave us the instructions for our sandwiches we practiced making them. The next day we practiced writing our own set of instructions on how to make a jam sandwich using all the features and skills that Mrs Barratt had taught us.




This week we have also been looking more closely at explorers and how they navigate on their expeditions. We learnt about all the points on a compass and how it can help us navigate and support us with our map skills.




Week commencing 19.4.21

A great first week back Year 1.

This week we have been super busy and have been looking at our new English book ‘Lost and found’.

So far, we know that our book is about a lost penguin and a boy who is trying to help him get home. We have been looking at how we can describe the sad penguin using powerful adjectives and turning these adjectives into noun phrases and have also looked at sequencing the story so far.


In Maths we have been continuing to look at numbers to 50, exploring how they can be partitioned into tens and ones and how we can represent numbers in different ways.


In Topic we have been exploring our new topic of Explorers. We have investigated what we want to learn about explorers and what an explorer is. We also went on a hunt with Barnaby Bear to help him find some physical and human features around the school using our map skills to help us.


Please remember:

Phonics books must be returned on Friday’s.

PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday (please wear PE kits on these days suitable for the weather as PE will be outside).