
Summer Term 2016

W/C 22nd July 2016

A week of winding up and finishing off for Year 1, making sure we empty our trays and say goodbye in our final days with Miss Cragg and Sarah. We spent time remembering all of the facts we learnt about Brazil to make a book, then we created some amazing Brazilian art, our carnival masks were wonderful!  On Tuesday we spent the morning at the park – only we could pick the hottest day of the year for a trip like that! Thank you to all of the grown-ups who came to help us, we were on our best behaviour and really deserved the treat after working tremendously hard this year.

We’ve been looking back on our best bits of Year 1, thinking about our favourite memories and what we’ve enjoyed the most. Our top trip was to Lincoln Castle, and our visit from the Reptile Life exotic animals featured too, as one of our favourite days in Year 1.

We’ve been doing our SRE lessons this week, mostly talking about keeping clean and why this is important.  We’ve also talked about our families, what makes us different and most importantly, what makes us special. We’ve done some Cosmic Kids yoga in the classroom and looked ahead to Year 2, helping Sue to create a display for one of our first topics.

Miss Cragg and Sarah would like to thank Year 1 for all of their wonderful work this year, they have all changed and grown in maturity and have great attitudes to learning. We hope this continues into Year 2 and wish them the best of luck!

W/C 11th July 2016

Another busy week for Year 1, we’re really ready for the summer holidays just so that we can have a rest! On Tuesday it was our visit from Reptile Life who brought with them some amazing animals. Miss Cragg and Sarah were really impressed by how knowledgeable the Year 1’s were…we did not know for example that tarantulas like Charlotte the Chilean Rose had 8 eyes and no ears, but our class did! Wow.

We got to meet a leopard spotted tortoise, a bearded dragon, a chameleon, a barn owl, the tarantula and three different sorts of snake including an enormous yellow and white Burmese python! We also met two skunks and a meerkat! It was a busy day to say the least but we feel that the children got so much out of it. Not many people can say they have had such a hands on experience! Have a look at the Church Lane Facebook page to see some pictures of the children holding the animals. 

In Literacy we wrote about our exciting visitors and remembered so many details and facts about them including their names, how old they were, where they were from, what they ate and what they felt like to touch and hold. We’ve also been writing some exciting stories based in the rainforest of the Amazon, using our senses to write about what we might be able to see, touch, hear and smell. 

In Numeracy we focussed again on our times tables and looked at repeated addition and multiplication in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We’re still working really hard at mastering these important skills.

On Thursday it was transition afternoon so we got to visit our new classroom and meet our new teacher all ready for Year 2! We’re so excited to be so grown up and Miss Cragg and Sarah know that we’re definitely ready for the new beginning in September. 



W/C 4th July 2016

Year 1 continue to work hard and have spent this week showing how much they have learnt over the past year. We are so ready for Year 2! We've been doing reading comprehension tests which didnt worry us at all as well as making super banners for Sports Day which definitely made us run faster!

Sports Day itself was a huge success. All of the children tried their absolute best, and who can ask for anything more? Our highlights were watching Miss Slater and Sarah run the races along with some of the children! 

In Numeracy we've been working on our 2's, 5's and 10's and are definitely becoming experts. We just need to keep practicing a little bit more. All together now, 1 x 2 is 2, 2 x 2 is 4...!

We did some amazing watercolour art with Miss Milnes based on the story 'Rumble in the Jungle' and our pictures based on "Tiger in a Tropical Storm" by Henri Rousseau are wonderful. We definitely have some budding artists in our class!

Next week we have our visit to school from Reptile Life (Tuesday 12th July) , a company based in Sleaford, to bring us some animals to learn about. We're all really excited!

W/C 27th June 2016

Wow, what a week! Summer holidays may be fast approaching but Year 1’s haven’t slowed down at all! After spending last week learning about Japan, Judo and the Olympics, this week we’ve turned our attention back to Brazil. We’ve written some amazing fact files about rainforest animals and have written super non-chronological reports about the country that have knocked Mr Clay’s socks off. Miss Cragg and Sarah are very proud and impressed with how hard the class continues to work.

In Maths we have been going over things to make sure they’re really stuck in our brains. We’ve looked at 2D and 3D shapes again and have spent lots of time making sure our position and direction knowledge is tip top. We’ve pretty much mastered left and right now and are really getting the hang of clockwise and anticlockwise as well as full, half and quarter turns. Miss Cragg and Miss Slater tried to trick some of us when we were playing a pirates treasure map game but there was no tricking Year 1! What a clever bunch we are.

In Science we’ve learnt about animal body parts and have labelled and described different animals as well as starting to make up some bizarre beasts ourselves. We’re getting ready for Sports Day (Thursday 7th July) in our PE lessons and are getting really excited for the visit of lots of exciting animals to school which is happening on Tuesday 12th July. If you haven’t already, please return your slip and money to school so that these wonderful creatures can come to school and we can learn more about them. Don’t forget to dress up as your favourite animal for the day!

W/C 6th June 2016

A very warm welcome back after the half term! We hope you had a lovely time playing with friends and visiting family.  This week has certainly been business as usual and we’ve jumped straight into our new topic which is all about animals…’Rumble in the Jungle’ to coincide with the Olympics this summer. We’ll be learning about jungle animals in Science and topic lesson, writing non-chronological reports and looking at the countries in South America in our Geography lessons.

We’ve started to learn how to write a non-chronological report this week and have based it on Guinea Pigs which we’ve all found very interesting. Miss Cragg showed a video called ‘Guinea Pig Bridge’ which has a fun song, why don't you see if you can find it on YouTube?! We’ve learnt about titles, introductions, sub-headings, paragraphs and summaries, and have written some really impressive work with great facts and lots of information. Next week we’ll be continuing non-fiction writing about Brazil.

In Numeracy we’ve been looking at 2D shapes. We know that these are flat shapes and have been counting sides and corners. We’ve had lots of fun sorting shapes and discovering how we can find their properties.  We’re going to move on to 3D shapes next week and talk about faces, vertices and edges.

In Science we’ve moved onto the Animals (including humans) topic and spent our lesson investigating our own bodies, identifying body parts and singing about them, as well as playing body bingo. We’ve also been getting ready for the Summer Fayre, we made gingerbread and cut out coin shapes and queens to decorate and sell. We made bunting and signs to advertise our game, “Catch the Crown Jewels” and our gingerbread coins for sale.  We hope you’ve had a lovely time if you managed to attend, we think everyone looks wonderful in their red, blue and white!

W/C 16th May 2016

Back to normal this week after Year 6 SATs but it’s been Year 2’s turn this week – we’re sure that they’ve shown just how wonderful they are! 

Our week has been filled with lots of amazing letter writing in Literacy. We’ve been learning how to set out a letter with an address, date, greeting and the proper sign off. So far we’ve written a letter to Mrs Rabbit (we couldn't find Peter Rabbit anywhere!) and a letter from the witch (from Room on the Broom) to the frog thanking him for his help in defeating the dragon. We’ve also written a complaint letter from the dragon wondering just why he couldn't have his witch and chips for tea, as well as an application letter from the witch for a job at Tesco. We had great fun giving her a list of skills, we think she’d be perfect for the job!

In Numeracy we’ve been learning to tell the time and we’re getting really good! We can tell when its o’clock and half past, and some of us know quarter past and quarter to. Just ask us to tell you some facts about time, we know all about how many seconds are in a minute, how many minutes are in an hour and how many days are in a year, amongst lots of other facts!

We carried on with our canvas in our RE lesson this week and made the 12 Disciples. We painted their faces and made them clothes, and we all made a fish to go in the fishing net. Miss Cragg had lots of fun with the glitter! We also talked a lot more about our theme of ‘Respecting Our Differences’ and made paper dolls of ourseleves. We did an activity where we were unkind to our paper dolls and saw the damage that this does to them.  We know how to be kind in Year 1 and help everyone.  The finished canvas looks amazing! A huge thank you to Miss Slater who has helped tremendously with it.

Our investigation in Science this week was to see what happens when we put food colouring into milk and then add washing up liquid. Just ask your child for the exciting results, or maybe you could try it at home together?

The school Summer Fayre will be on the 10th June, if any grown ups or children have ideas about something really special we could make to sell then Miss Cragg and Sarah would be very grateful. We hope to see you there!

W/C 09.05.16

Another busy week in Year 1!  We’ve had to be silent as little mice this week whilst the big Year 6’s have been taking their SATs so Miss Cragg and Sarah are very proud of how hard we’ve tried to get on with our work without making a fuss and with hardly any noise at all.

We’re becoming fantastic Scientists in Year 1, our investigation this week was into what happens when you put raisins into lemonade. Just ask us!  We can write a sensible prediction, an equipment list, a method and our results and are working on our scientific enquiry skills.

In Literacy this week we looked at the poem ’10 Things in a Wizard’s Pocket’ and wrote our own version about the things we might find in a witch’s hat!  We have also been reading the story ‘Memory Bottles’ by Beth Shoshan and guessing what might be in Mr McAllistair’s shed.  We’ve used our senses to write about our own memories and have made up stories about the memories of Mr McAllistair’s childhood.

In Numeracy we started to investigate time. Just ask us to tell you the days of the week or the months of the year, we’re getting very good at it! We can tell you about yesterday and tomorrow as well as put events into chronological order, and we can tell you all sorts of things that we can do in just one minute!

We’ve started to use Art Hub in our ICT lessons which is a YouTube channel with online tutorials to help us hone our drawing skills. So far we have learnt how to draw a cat, a monster and a ninja!

In RE we’ve been beginning to learn the story of ‘Jesus and the 12 Disciples’ as well as our British Value which is ‘Respecting Our Differences’. With the help of Miss Slater we have started to work on our canvas which will represent all of the work we’re doing on this topic. We can’t wait for you to see the finished piece which we will be able to show off at the end of the term.

W/C 25.4.16

A belated welcome back after the Easter holidays! Since we started back we have begun our new topic, ‘It’s a Kind of Magic’ where everything is magical and magic related! We have a new Wizards Workshop role-play area and have been developing our potion making skills in Science by investigating reactions with baking soda and vinegar. We know how to make sensible predictions and how to report on our interesting findings.

In Literacy this week we have been continuing to look at Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and learning all about newspaper reports. We can write exciting headlines and can even add alliteration, which is where words have the same sounds. We can spot it in our own reading and when Miss Cragg reads us stories too! We know how to use time conjunctions (first, next, after that, then, finally) and have been writing speech with speech marks too.

In Numeracy we’ve been finding out about measurement. We’ve looked at mm and cm, m and km and measured almost everything in the classroom, including Sarah and Miss Cragg! We’ve also been looking at capacity and weight and are experts at reading scales – just ask us to show you!

In Geography we’ve been investigating our local area and each week we’re looking forward to seeing who Travelling Ted is going to go home with. I wonder what adventures he’ll go on next?