Autumn Term 2024
W/C 9.12.24
Not long to go now! Christmas came to school this week. We really enjoyed performing our Nativity and we were very proud of all of them. On Thursday we celebrated Christmas dinner day and loved being in our Christmas jumpers. On Friday, some of us enjoyed going to the library. The library staff commented on how well behaved we were!
W/C 2.12.24
We have really enjoyed reading ‘Stick man.’ Thank you for helping us to collect sticks; we have had lots of fun making our own stick people.
In Maths, we have been exploring numbers 1-5 and the different parts that they are made of e.g. 5 is made of 3 and 2.
On Monday, we were lucky to have a visit from the Animal Club. We had the great pleasure of meeting some amazing animals.
We had the opportunity to hold, touch or stroke grasshoppers, a tortoise, a bearded dragon, a snake, a guinea pig and rabbit.
During the visit we found out some animal facts and how to care for them.
How can you help at home?
• Please read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom Reader.
• Continue to watch the Phonics Links- I will upload new films on Wednesday 11th December.
• Please borrow books from our Lending Library (outside) to share with your child and log on Boom Reader.
Please ensure Home Learning folders are returned to school every day. Books will be changed every Monday. If you would like to change your story book more regularly, then please use the Lending Library (outside).
Life skills
• Help your child to learn to wipe their own bottom
• Help your child to get dressed/undressed independently
• Help your child to put on their own coat and fasten the zip
•Encourage your child to try new foods
Our Nativity performance is on Tuesday 10th December at 2.00pm.
W/C 25.11.24
We have really enjoyed reading ‘Where the Wild Things Are.’ Next week, we will be reading ‘Stick Man.’ I will put in a new vocabulary sheet for you to explore with your child. Please support them to understand the meaning of each word.
In Maths, we have been learning that numbers are made up of different parts. We have been using vocabulary such as, ‘whole’ and ‘part.’
We have enjoyed learning about hedgehogs and have created some wonderful clay hedgehogs.
How can you help at home?
• Please read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom Reader.
• Continue to watch the Phonics Links- I will upload new films on Wednesday 4th December.
• Please borrow books from our Lending Library (outside) to share with your child and log on Boom Reader.
Please ensure Home Learning folders are returned to school every day. Books will be changed every Monday.
Life skills
• Help your child to learn to wipe their own bottom
• Help your child to get dressed/undressed independently
• Help your child to put on their own coat and fasten the zip
•Encourage your child to try new foods
Our Nativity performance is on Tuesday 10th December at 2.00pm.
W/C 18th November
We have really enjoyed reading ‘Where the Wild Things Are.’ I hope you have found the vocabulary linked to our story useful. Please ask your child about the vocabulary and continue to explore together.
I will be adding a vocabulary collector sheet to your child’s home learning folder. Please add any WOW words that you hear your child say and then we can celebrate them at school too. Once your child has filled all the squares, they will receive a prize!
In Maths, we have been exploring the language ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ by comparing quantities.
Again, some children enjoyed a walk to the library on Friday. The children really enjoyed spending time sharing stories together. The children also developed their oracy skills as they learnt how to talk and behave in the library. We will continue to take different groups of children every Friday.
Please make sure you have given permission on the Parent App for local walks. If I do not have permission, I will not be able to take your child.
We have enjoyed learning seasonal changes and next week we will be exploring different animals in autumn.
How can you help at home?
• Please read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom Reader.
• Continue to watch the Phonics Links- I will upload new films on Wednesday 27th November.
• Please borrow books from our Lending Library (outside) to share with your child and log on Boom Reader.
Please ensure Home Learning folders are returned to school every day. Books will be changed every Monday.
Life skills
• Help your child to learn to wipe their own bottom
• Help your child to get dressed/undressed independently
• Help your child to put on their own coat and fasten the zip
•Encourage your child to try new foods
Parents Evening is on Tuesday 26th November.
W/C 11th November
We have finished reading ‘Room on the Broom’ and have enjoyed learning new vocabulary. Next week, we will be reading, ‘Where the Wild Things Are.’ To support your child to extend their vocabulary, I will be sending home a list of vocabulary that we will be learning about over the next 2 weeks. Please ask your child about the vocabulary and explore together. I will put the vocabulary sheet in your child's home learning folder.
In Maths, we have been practising our careful counting skills.
Again, some children enjoyed a walk to the library on Friday. The children really enjoyed spending time sharing stories together. The children also developed their oracy skills as they learnt how to talk and behave in the library. We will continue to take different groups of children every Friday.
We have enjoyed learning about Autumn and will continue to learn about the seasonal changes next week.
How can you help at home?
• Please read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom Reader.
• Continue to watch the Phonics Links- I will upload new films on Wednesday 20th November.
• Please borrow books from our Lending Library (outside) to share with your child and log on Boom Reader.
Please ensure Home Learning folders are returned to school every day. Books will be changed every Monday.
Life skills
• Help your child to learn to wipe their own bottom
• Help your child to get dressed/undressed independently
• Help your child to put on their own coat and fasten the zip
•Encourage your child to try new foods
W/C 4th November
We have started reading ‘Room on the Broom’ and exploring the vocabulary in the story. We continue to celebrate our emergent writing this week as we begin to write initial sounds and some simple CVC words.
In Maths, we have been learning about numbers 1,2,3 and developing a deep understanding of these numbers.
We introduced a new activity into our timetable. We have started to set up a range of activities that will develop your child’s fine motor skills and finger strength, ready for writing. The children really engaged the activities in the hall and are already looking forward to next week.
Some children enjoyed a walk to the library on Friday. The children really enjoyed spending time sharing stories together. The children also developed their oracy skills as they learnt how to talk and behave in the library. We will take different groups of children every Friday.
We have enjoyed learning about Bonfire Night and Diwali!
How can you help at home?
• Please read at least 3 times a week and record on Boom Reader.
• I have added some links to short films to support your child to learn the above sounds.
• Please borrow books from our Lending Library (outside) to share with your child and log on Boom Reader.
Phonics links: I will send out links on Tapestry to ensure the films are personalised. I will upload them on Wednesday 13th November.
Life skills
• Help your child to learn to wipe their own bottom
• Help your child to get dressed/undressed independently
• Help your child to put on their own coat and fasten the zip
W/C 14th October
We continue to enjoy reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and exploring the vocabulary in the story. We continue to celebrate our emergent writing this week as we begin to write initial sounds and practise letter formation.
In Maths, we have been comparing size. We enjoyed measuring ourselves and using language such as, ‘short’ and ‘tall.’
We introduced a new area to outdoor area. The children have really enjoyed exploring our new woodwork area. The children have been practising using screwdrivers safely. This area is really going to promote their creativity, resilience and strengthen their muscles in their fingers, ready for writing.
How can you help at home?
• Please practise reading j, v, y, w, z, x
• I have added some links to short films to support your child to learn the above sounds.
• Please borrow books from our Lending Library (outside) to share with your child and log on Boom Reader.
Phonics links
Life skills
• Help your child to learn to wipe their own bottom
• Help your child to get dressed/undressed independently
• Help your child to put on their own coat and fasten the zip
Reading Workshop is on Wednesday at 9.30am. The meeting will last approximately 30 minutes.
W/C 30th September
We continue to enjoy reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and exploring the vocabulary in the story. We have really celebrated our emergent writing this week as we begin to write initial sounds and practise letter formation. We also enjoyed our mini first aid lesson on Friday.
How can you help at home?
• Please practise reading f, e, l, h, r
• I have added some links to short films to support your child to learn the above sounds.
• Please borrow books from our Lending Library (outside) to share with your child and log on Boom Reader.
Phonics links
Life skills
• Help your child to learn to wipe their own bottom
• Help your child to get dressed/undressed independently
• Help your child to put on their own coat and fasten the zip
I have rearranged the Reading Workshop for Wednesday 16th October at 9.30am.
W/C 23rd September
We really enjoyed our visit from Sleaford Fire Service. We loved being allowed sit in the fire engine. This visit will support our learning over the next two weeks. In Literacy, we have started to read, 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt.' We have enjoyed acting out the story and creating scenes from the story. We also enjoyed our first P.E lesson.
How can you help at home?
• Please practise reading c, k, u, b, o
• I have added some links to short films to support your child to learn the above sounds.
• Please borrow books from our Lending Library (outside) to share with your child
Phonics links
Life skills
• Help your child to learn to wipe their own bottom
• Help your child to get dressed/undressed independently
• Help your child to put on their own coat and fasten the zip
Important Date:
Reception Reading information morning- Wednesday 2nd October 9.30am- 10.00am
W/C 16th September
We have had another great week in Reception. It has been lovely to watch the children continue to develop their friendships with new children. We are really enjoying Phonics and have also started Maths. We have enjoyed matching objects and talking about why they are the same/different.
We have also enjoyed creating our own Colour Monsters and linking to colours to our feelings. We have also met Jigsaw Jenie; she will be helping us throughout the year to develop our personal, social and emotional skills.
How can you help at home?
- Please practise reading i , n, p, g, o
- I have added some links to short films to support your child to learn the above sounds.
- Please borrow books from our Lending Library (outside) to share with your child
Phonics links
Life skills
- Help your child to learn to wipe their own bottom
- Help your child to get dressed/undressed independently
- Help your child to put on their own coat and fasten the zip
W/C 9th September
Please bring in your child’s book bag on Monday as I will be sending home their speed sounds book to practise. Please practise for a few minutes every night.
Sounds to practise this week:
m a s d t
We will aim to start our PE lessons this week. Please ensure your child has a P.E bag in school. It is helpful, that the P.E bag is labelled on the outside. I will send home P.E bags every Friday to be washed over the weekend.
Food and drink
- Please ensure bottles are filled with water, not squash
- Lunches need to be a healthy balance e.g. wrap/sandwich, crisps, fruit and a small treat.
How can you help at home?
- Help your child to wipe their own bottom
- Help your child to put on their own coat and attempt to fasten the zip
- Show your child how to use cutlery correctly
- Support your child to get dressed/undressed independently
- Practise reading m,a,d,s,t
All of the above will help your child to get off to a flying start in Reception!
Thank you for your support!
W/C 2.9.24
We have had an amazing first week! It feels like the children have been with us for a lot longer. The children have enjoyed exploring the indoor and outdoor classroom. The children have already developed good relationships with staff and children in such a short space of time! We have started to learn some of our class and school rules, and we are really trying our best to follow them.
- Please ensure all personal belongings are labelled
- Children need to bring in a water bottle- no squash or fruit shoots
- No nuts or food containing nuts to be brought into school
- Children always need spare clothes due to have access to messy play
-Please let me know if someone different is collecting as a password will be needed for safeguarding reasons.
Please feel free to talk to me at the beginning or at the end of the day if you have any concerns or worries.