
Spring Term 2025


Week commencing 13th January 2025


This week we have begun to write sentences for our travel journal which is set on a Safari in Africa. We have written beautiful sentences that include similes to describe our first impressions – “The first thing I saw was the grass as green as an olive. The water was as blue as sapphires”. We then described the sunrise using adjectives to paint a beautiful image in the reader’s mind. We have completed some research around the animals that we would see in the Savannah, which will help us to write some interesting facts about the animals.




In maths we are continuing with our multiplication and division learning. We have been multiplying and dividing by 3 using lots of support to help us. We spent some time learning how to use a multiplication square to support us with our times table knowledge. We have also spent time looking at the fact families that are made with multiplication and division sentences, representing these using arrays and equipment to secure our understanding.


Week commencing 5th January 2025

Welcome back Everest class! We have had a lovely first week back together and have settled back into our routines nicely. We are beginning a new unit in English in which the children will be writing a travel journey report. We have spent the week learning about the different features of these texts such as headings, subheadings, date and location. We then spent time finding these features and discussing how they can help us to understand what we are reading and to signpost the information we need to find.

In maths we are continuing with our multiplication and division learning. We have spent time sharing and grouping amounts and finding multiples of 2, 5 and 10.