Autumn Term 2024
Week commencing 15th December 2024
This week the children have been completing non-core learning with their respective year groups. We all very much enjoyed the pantomime that came into school followed by carols around the tree.
Week commencing 9th December 2024
In English this week we have completed our learning based around the story “The Wild Things” and we have completed our independent writing. The children reimagined the story and a variety of places appeared in their main character’s bedroom, including a purple portal, a jungle and a beach. It was lovely to read the children’s imaginative narratives.
I maths we have continued with our multiplication and division learning. We spent time learning what arrays are and how we use them. We then practiced sharing and grouping equally.
Week commencing 2nd December 2024
In English this week we have begun our sentence stacking lessons based around the story The Wild Things. This stunning picture book includes lots of beautiful language and the illustrations are really inspiring us! We have been writing sentences to describe what the Wild Things look like and we have been practicing using onomatopoeia to depict the sounds that they make. We very much enjoyed being declared King of the Wild Things and the “rumpus” that followed.
In maths we have completed our addition and subtraction learning and we are moving on to multiplication and division. We will be focusing on recognising equal groups, sharing and grouping next week.
Week commencing 25th November 2024
We have returned back to our usual learning this week and have achieved some wonderful things. In English we completed our sentence stacking around our story, Lost and Found. We then planned and wrote our own innovated text about a lonely girl who suddenly found a mysterious animal on her doorstep one day. We published our writing and even got to show these to Miss Hakes when she came to visit us. Miss Hakes was very impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and pride in their work.
In maths we are continuing with our addition and subtraction learning, using lots of resources and equipment to help us.
Week commencing 18th November 2024
This week has been assessment week. The children have all completed reading and maths assessments and I am incredibly proud of the perseverance and determination that they have shown, particularly when they found it challenging. They have also shown a wonderful kindness to each other this week, being quiet and respectful whilst their peers have been completing their assessments. Well done!
We have managed to complete some maths this week in addition to assessments. We have been making connections between number sentences and adding two numbers without exchanging. In English next week, we will complete our independent writing sequence for our own narrative based on the book "Lost and found".
Week commencing 11th November 2024
In English this week we completed our sentence stack around our story “Lost and found”. Our main characters were reunited, and we wrote some emotive sentences to express their feelings at the end of the story. After assessment week, next week, we will complete a piece of independent writing based on this story.
In maths this week we have continued our addition and subtraction learning. We have continued to use manipulatives to support us to add and subtract across tens and hundreds.
Week commencing 4th November 2024
Welcome back to all of the children after a lovely, long half term break. The children have settled back into their learning extremely well this week. In English we have begun our new story, “Lost and Found” by Oliver Jeffers. This lovely story about a lonely boy and a lost penguin has given us lots of inspiration to write sentences about feelings. On Thursday we enjoyed an experience day in which we built boats as a team and imagined the journey across the sea with waves as big as houses crashing around us. This gave us some amazing vocabulary to write simile sentences on Friday.
In Maths we are continuing with our addition and subtraction learning. We have added ones across a ten, using place value charts to help us to understand how the tens unit changes when there are too many ones. We have also used our resources to support us to add tens across a hundred. We will be moving on to subtraction next week.
Week commencing 14th October 2024
This week the children have been working hard in English to edit and then publish their short stories around the book Sam and Dave dig a hole. The children experienced being in role as both authors and illustrators, spending lots of time to ensure their finished piece was appealing to an audience. Well done!
In Maths we have been working hard to remember our previous addition and subtraction skills. We have reviewed number bonds to ten and used these to find bonds to 100. We then spent time adding ones, tens and hundreds. We have been using place value charts and base ten to support our understanding.
Week commencing 7th October 2024
In English this week we have finished our story “Sam and Dave dig a hole.” After completing the story we began to plan our own independent story, in which the children created their own characters who were seeking something spectacular. The children were very creative in their ideas for the treasures that their characters could discover. We have edited our writing and we will be publishing out stories next week.
In maths we have completed our place value learning and have now moved onto addition and subtraction.
Week commencing 30th September 2024
Wow hasn’t September whizzed by! The children have impressed me again this week with their positive attitudes towards their learning. In English we have continued our writing around the story “Sam and Dave dig a hole”. We are all really enjoying this story, however poor Sam and Dave still haven’t found anything spectacular on their adventure. Somehow, they just seem to keep missing it. We linked our previous maths learning of position and direction to help us to write sentences that gave Sam and Dave directions to dig. This was linked to an experience day where the children gave each other directions to solve a variety of mazes before using the vocabulary in their sentences. We are very much looking forward to seeing how the story ends next week. We left Sam and Dave feeling rather exhausted and fed up, so hopefully things will improve for them soon!
In maths we are coming to the end of our place value learning. We have been finding numbers on a number line and also estimating numbers on a number line, which was tricky! We will spend a little more time securing this learning before we move on to our next unit of addition and subtraction next week.
Week commencing 23/09/2024
We have had another fabulous week in the Everest room this week! On Monday we completed some independent writing around the book “The Rainbow Fish”. We innovated the main character for our independent writing with lots of us choosing to wrote about a beautiful Rainbow Fish with shimmering stings, or a Rainbow Shark with multicoloured teeth. It was lovely to see how the children’s writing has progressed since last year, lots of us are now remembering those crucial finger spaces and we are independently using full stops and capital letters too! Moving on from the Rainbow Fish, we began our new story, “Sam and Dave dig a hole”. This story has been such fun this week. We began our learning by going outdoors and experiencing what it feels like to dig a hole. This gave us lots of opportunities to practice using our vocabulary and to discuss what the mud looked like, how it felt and how tiring it was to dig. Sam and Dave had a little rest and a picnic in the story, so on Friday we got to experience that too! We enjoyed some biscuits and some cartons of orange and apple juice to help us to gather vocabulary for our next sentence.
In Maths we have been working hard to partition numbers into their hundreds, tens and ones before flexibly partitioning them in different ways. This was tricky stuff and there were moments where everybody seemed ready to surrender, however we powered through using lots of maths equipment and sorting rings to support our understanding. It took us a few days and lots of practice, but we got there in the end and we all felt very proud of how hard we have worked! We have another week of place value learning before we move on to addition and subtraction.
Week commencing 16/09/2024
Another busy week in the Everest room! We have really enjoyed our new story, The Rainbow Fish, and have been busy writing some fantastic sentences to describe him meeting lots of new characters in the book. Next week, we will complete some independent writing around this story. I am excited to read the children’s independent work at the start of the new school year and it will be wonderful to look back at this work at the end of the year to see the progress that they have made! We are really getting into the swing of our Guided Reading groups and each group managed to read two new books with me last week. Great job!
In Maths we have been comparing and representing numbers. Some of us have recapped the language around more, fewer and the same. We then had a really fun practical maths lesson on Friday where we represented numbers using numicon, base ten or multi link blocks and compared them using our inequality symbols. I think we have absolutely achieved this learning this week and I am excited to see all of the children apply their understanding to their book work next week.
Week commencing 09/09/2024
We have had a fabulous week in the Everest room this week. We have completed our writing around the Bear Hunt and wrote some fantastic sentences that expressed our emotions when we finally found the bear. We have now moved on to our new story, the Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. We have beguin to describe the Rainbow Fish's shimmering, irridescent scales and we enjoyed an experience day where we created our own Rainbow Fish to showcase our fantastic vocabulary.We have introduced guided reading into our week during English and the children are all enjoying the opportunity to read in their small groups. We are already becoming better at finding key words within the text and making predictions about the story.
In Maths we are continuing with our place value learning. The children have learned to read numbers as words, match groups, one more, counting backwards and finding one less. We are all working really hard in maths and it is lovely to see the children begin to develop some confidence and independence with their learning.
Week commencing 02/09/2024
Welcome back to the Everest room! It has been lovely to welcome the children back to our new classroom and begin our learning together. In English we have begun our new story, The Bear Hunt, and we have written some fantastic sentences to describe the family's journey through the sticky mud and the rushing river.
In Maths we have begun our place value unit of learning. The children have come back to school with great attitudes towards their learning and the work that they have been completing reflects this. Well done!