
Summer Term 2024


Important reminders:

Homework will be set on a Friday to be handed in the following Friday.

Homework will consist of 2 pieces of purple mash.

Children will need to complete 3 reads a week which can be recorded on Boom Reader.

PE kits will need to be brought to school on a Monday and taken home on  a Friday.



Week commencing 22nd April 2024


This week year 3 have been become marine biologists in English and Science. We have been exploring all the different animals and plants that we may find in different ocean habitats, including the Mariana trench, kelp forests and coral reef.


In maths we have finished another unit on fractions and have begun to look at money. We have been looking at converting money into pounds and pence and different amounts.


In the afternoons we have begun to look at the faith of Hinduism and have also started our topic on ancient Egypt.


Week commencing 15th April 2024.

Welcome back year 3! This is your last term as a class of year 3, the year is flying by.

We have welcomed the children back this week with a new English unit called Black rock. The children have been immersing themselves as the character Erin learning about what it would be like to fall off a boat and creating some dramatic sentences to show fear and create tension.

In maths we are looking at fractions, learning to add, subtract and find fractions of amounts.

In the afternoons we have become astronauts in computing using simulations to solve problems. We have been learning some new songs and games in music and have also been looking at habitats in science.