
Autumn Term 2023

Important reminders:

Homework will be set on a Friday to be handed in the following Friday.

Homework will consist of 2 pieces of purple mash and 1 Spelling sheet.

Children will need to complete 3 reads a week which can be recorded on Boom Reader.

PE kits will need to be brought to school on a Monday and taken home on  a Friday.



Week beginning 18th December.

Year 3 have had lots of fun this week, we have had a surprise visit from Santa, watched the school pantomine and had lots of fun during carols around the tree. Miss Massingham has also had let us complete lots of festive activities this week and we have reallu enjoyed completing the christmas advent calendar. 

We wish everyone a lovely Christmas and happy new year!

Week beginning 11th December.


We have had lots of fun this week in year 3 and we have been working super hard.


We have finished publishing our own versions of Leon and the Place Between and have been working hard on our 8 times tables.


This week we have also been on a Geography walk, where we discovered the features of Sleaford which helped us determine that Sleaford was a market town and we even did some litter picking along the way to help clean up along the River Slea.


This week we have also finished our history unit on the iron, Stone, Bronze and Ice age, completing our mini quiz to show off all of our knowledge and have also managed to fit in some DT work where we had lots of fun creating sock snowmen.


Week beginning 4th December.

Christmas has arrived in year 3!

This week we have been getting into the Christmas spirit. We’ve had Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner day! The food was delicious, and the children had great time popping crackers and singing Christmas songs.

In maths we’ve been continuing with out multiplication tables, using our times tables knowledge to divide and solve problems.

In English we have continued drafting our stories and have begun to edit them with a partner. We are looking forward to transcribing them next week.

Week beginning 27th November.

 Year 3 have been working super hard this week during assessment week. We have been using our knowledge that we have learnt so far to answer questions in science, maths and reading. Alongside this, we have also been working hard to become authors, writing our own retelling of Leon and the world between.

In maths we are using our times table knowledge to answer questions around the 3, 4 and 8 times table along with using these facts to create divisions and fact families.

Within our foundation subjects we have been looking at the different types of settlements in Lincolnshire and the different substances that we can find under the soil, including, gold, diamonds and fossils.

Week beginning 13th November.

This week we have been continuing with our English unit- looking at conjunctions to express cause and effect, expanded noun phrases and inferring feelings of the characters from the text.

In Maths we have been using our knowledge of number to find complements to 100, estimate answers, and use inverse operations. We have been working so hard that we have even moved onto our next Maths unit- multiplication and division.

In the afternoons this week we have been exploring different types of rocks and their characteristics, looking at how to use spreadsheets to create charts, and exploring different types of settlements including, ports, resorts, and market towns.

On Friday we also had a great day, celebrating Children In Need. Thank you to everyone who donated to this fantastic charity.


Week beginning 6th November 2023

Welcome back Year 3!

This week we have been getting back into the swing of things with our maths unit of addition and subtraction. Using all of our previous learning to add and subtract 3 and 2 digit numbers.

We started off our week with a trip to the Circus, where we met a magician, some acrobats, jugglers, and some excited children, who may or not believe in magic. We continued the week exploring the circus writing opening lines for our class book and reviews of juggling acts.

In our afternoon sessions we have been looking at how life changed during the Iron Age, how the earth is made up of rocks, and the different types of settlements.

Week beginning 9th October 2023

We have done it! We have completed our stories after editing and improving and have now published them into books. We had great fun doing this and are really proud of the work we have created,

In Maths this week we have focused on addition and subtraction using the formal written method to exchange when adding across, 1, 10 and 100.

During the afternoons, we have looked at the different bones within the human body and labelled our partners as skeletons. We also looked at the physical features of Lincolnshire and how they have developed and changed over time.

Week beginning 2nd October 2023


This week we have continued being authors and have finished drafting our story of the Pied Piper, we are looking forward to editing and publishing them next week.


In maths this week we have been looking at how can use the formal written method of addition and subtraction to help us solve problems and answer questions.


In our foundations subjects we have been busy learning about the baptism of Jesus in RE, looking and nutrients in science, learning songs and playing instruments in music and we even became Hunter Gatherers in History creating our own drama piece.

Week beginning 25th September 2023


Another fun filled week in Year 3!


This week we have become authors and have begun to produce our retelling of the Pied Piper, we have been using all the skills that we have learnt from previous weeks to support our writing and Miss Massingham said “You are blowing my socks off!”


In maths we have started our addition and subtraction unit, focusing on how we can use our knowledge of place value and number bonds to 10 to support us with adding and subtracting numbers which are ten times greater.


During our afternoon sessions we have been scientists, consider the five main food groups and why they are so important to ensure that we have a healthy and balanced diet. As artists we have been exploring how we can make different types of lines using mechanical tools and in History we have been considering what life was like during the Ice Age and how life in Britain was significantly impacted by the flooding of Doggerland.


Week beginning 18th September 2023

We’ve had a great week!

Year 3 have been doing some fantastic writing this week, using adverbials, time and place conjunctions and causal conjunctions to improve our writing o related to the Pied Piper. We are almost ready to create our own version of the Pied Piper next week.

In Maths, we are still working hard with our place value, looking at how can use our knowledge of number to help us create number lines and even estimate using number lines to help us. We have also been comparing and ordering numbers.

During out foundation subjects we have been looking at using timers to help us code in computing, considered why the holy trinity is important to Christians and developed our understanding of energy in science by using food chains.


Week beginning 11th September 2023


This week we have been continuing to develop our knowledge of place value, looking at partitioning numbers to 1,000 and using our understanding of numbers to determine the values of digits.


In English we are continuing with our writing based on the Pied Piper of Hamelin and are breaking down sentences to discover what makes a sentence.


During our non-core lessons we have been, developing our understanding of fire and water safety, with the help of some firefighters who came to visit. Begun our Geography unit by considering what countries make up the UK and have continued developing our ball skills in PE.


Week beginning 4th September 2023

Welcome Year 3!

This week we have enjoyed getting to know each other, we have spent some time reminding ourselves of school routines and values and have been getting used to life in Year 3.

This week we have also begun to look at our new book in English, ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ and have started to look at place value in Maths.