
Autumn Term 2022


2 pieces of homework will be set on a Friday on purple mash this is to be completed by Friday the following week. 
Reading expectations are 3 times a week in year 3. 
10 spellings will also be sent home on a Friday to be learnt for a spelling test the following Friday. 

Additional homework for this term includes: learning to tie ties, do you too buttons and tieing shoe laces. 

PE days this term are Monday and Tuesday. Although PE kits are to stay in school all week incase of changes in the timetable. 


Week commencing: 28.11.22 

Christmas has arrived in Year 3. The children have enjoyed coming into school and listening to the Christmas music with Miss Liston in the morning. 

This week the children have been working really hard in English, creating their own version of our story The Heart and the Bottle. We have become Authors and are building resiliance in editing our work. We are looking forward to completing our Big Write next week where we will improve our writing and publish it. 

In Maths we have continued to work hard on addition and subtraction, using the column method to support us. 

In our Afternoon sessions we have been learning about the Iron Age, doing French with Madam Roche and have been perfecting our dances in PE.

We have all worked really hard the past few weeks so have made some snowflakes for the classroom this week, in some downtime with Miss Massing. We practiced our scissor skills, building resiliance and learnt about halves and quaters when folding the paper. 

Week commencing: 21.11.22 

This week we have been continuing with our book, The heart and the bottle, we have been writing sentences using conjunctions and fronted adverbials and have also started to plan our big write.
In maths we have been looking at addition and subtracting whilst crossing into the next column. We have been using column addition to support us. 

In PE we have continued to develop our dance sequences using a variety of levels to engage the audience. 

In topic lessons we have been looking at settlements in Geography, families in PSHE and Joseoh and his technicolour dreamcoat in music. 

Week commencing 14.11.22

Year 3 have had a great week this week. 

It has been assessment week so we have been working hard completing our assessments. Miss Massingham said that we have all done really well and that she is very proud. 
When we haven't been doing our assessments we have been continuing our history work looking at primary and secondary sources from the Stone Age, developing our Stone Age dance and investigating rocks. 

Week commencing 7.11.22

Year 3 have had a great first week back this week. 

We have got straight back into the swing of things and continued with our addition and subtraction to 1,000. In English we have started our new book The Heart and The Bottle. We have been studying the story and creating inferences. 

In science we have started our new topic where we are investigating rocks. This we have looked at what lies under the ground. Within History we have continued to look at the Stone Age and what life would have been like. This has supported us with our PE, where we are creating a Stone Age dance. 

Week commencing 10.10.22

This week in maths we have started our new unit of work on addition and subtraction- recapping our number bonds and adding ones and tens. 

In English we started our Big Write for our own version of our class book- Leon and the Place between. We have edited our stories, improved them and published our work. 

During our non core time we have continued to look at coding in ICT and have also been looking at what humans need to stay healthy and what a balanced diet is. 

Week commencing 3.10.22 

This week in Maths we have been looking at more than and less than with numbers up to 1,000. We have also learnt how to count in our 50's and are looking forward to our next Maths unit of Addition and Subtraction. 

In Englished we have continued to look at our class book "Leon and the Place Between". We have been working really hard using direct speech and even wrote our own dialogue (this was very tricky!)

Without our Topic lessons we have been looking at how our bodies get energy from the foods that we eat and in Gegoraphy we have been learning baout the difference betweenn, counties and regions. 

Please don't foeget to hand in your parent's evening letter as the allocated times will be going out next week. 

Week commencing 26.9.22

What a great week year 3! 

This week we have been working hard with number lines in maths. We have all shown great determination and resilience when counting the intervals and estimating where the numbers would go. 

In English we are continuing to look at our book- Leon and the place between. We have been creating expanded noun phrases using concrete and abstract nouns as well as looking at characters emotions. 

We have also started our History unit this week where we have been exploring what life was like in the Ice Age. Miss Massingham was also very pleased with the art that we created with Mrs Freeman using a vaiety of tools to create mechanical lines. 

Week commencing 19.9.22 

We have had another busy week this week! 

This week we have continued to look at place value in Maths partitioning numbers to a thousand and looking at the hundreds, tens and ones.

In English we have continued to look at our book Leon and the place between, exploring characters and looking at adverbial phrases. 

In our topic lessons we have started our RE unit on Christianity looking at signs and symbols. In PE we have continued our unit on gymnastics looking at symmetrical movement and balances. 

This week we have also taken part in a first aid workshop where we looked at how to stay safe and what to do in an emergency.


Week commencing 12.9.22

It has been a busy week this week.

This week we have had our first French lesson with Madam Roche and had a film crew in school!

In Maths we have been continuing to look at place value and have moved onto numbers within 1,000. In English we are continuing to look at our class book- writing circus invitations and uplevelling sentences with synonyms and adjectives.

We have also spent some time on laptops this week, learning how to load a laptop, go on the internet and search for what we need. We also learnt how to log into Purple Mash so we can do this independently at home.

We are really looking forward to next week.


Week commencing 5.9.22 

Welcome to Handley Class. 
This week the children have been very excited to be put into their new houses and have been working hard to learn all of the new routines and expectations. They have been working hard and showing resilience and perserverance on some challenging aspects including; learning to tie their ties, do up top buttons, using a knife and fork correctly and learning to slant. 

This week we have also started our Math's topic of Place Value, been introduced to our book for English and started to learn about the countries in the United Kingdom.