
Summer Term 2024

Useful information:

Our learning this term

PE is on Mondays (indoors) and Wednesdays (outdoors) each week. Please have a PE kit in school. 

Please read at least 3 times a week. Every child will have decodable phonics books and a sharing home reading book sent home. Please make sure these books are in school each day.

Spellings will be sent home each Monday. Please support your child to rehearse them so they are ready for a test the following week.

Wc 29th April.

In English, we were relieved to learn that there was a happy ending to our story book and that the hunter saved the day! We got busy plotting and writing our own version of the story. So far, we have created our own character, what he or she has in their basket for Granny and headed into the calm, shaded wood. I wonder what our character will see and hear and where our stories will take us next…

In Maths, we have continued to partition numbers into tens and ones using equipment and part whole models. We have completed number lines to 50, estimated the position of numbers on blank number lines and found one more and one less than different numbers. Phew! What super mathematicians we are becoming!

In Science, we are still intrigued by our rain gauges and checking the daily temperature. We will continue to monitor these but we are also now thinking about the animals in the world around us. We are learning about the animals we see everyday and have been sorting out groups of animals depending on whether they are pets or wild! In PE, we have continued to sequence moves by contrasting two different rolls and we have started to throw a ball using an overarm throw to gain a greater distance. Great job!

We enjoyed a fabulous History trip on Thursday and got to see firsthand how different Mrs Smith’s cottage was to how our homes are today! Did you know her cottage dates back to the 1830's? We were intrigued by her range, meat safe, wash house and her little ladder up to bed! We couldn’t imagine living without electricity or not having a television until we were 80 years old! We especially loved trying out how to do the washing using an old fashioned washing dolly and laundry posser!That was hard work!


WC 22nd April.

This week in English we have been building up our stamina to write. We have thought about the parts in the story (of Little Red Riding Hood) where the wolf arrives at Granny’s cottage and Grandma is eaten! We have written about how poor Granny must have been feeling and what we noticed about the wolf’s appearance! ‘What pointy ears you have! What bright eyes you have! What sharp teeth you have….’

Everyone has continued to work hard in phonics and we are impresed with everyone's reading. Look out for phonics QR codes that will be emailed to you and keep up the great phonics book reading!

In Maths, we have started to count in tens to 50 and count by making groups of ten. We have used resources to help. We finished the week challenging ourselves by counting in tens and ones. We all agreed it was much more accurate (and quicker!) to group our tens first using a tens frame then count on in ones to get the total.

In Geography, we have been learning about the oceans of the world. We listened to the sound of the ocean, learnt about how vast they are and how so many species and living things make their home there! In PE, we are linking movements together (by rolling) and learning 1v1 games skills. In History, this term we will be thinking about how technology has developed since our grandparents were born.  We are looking forward to exploring lots of artefacts from the past during our class visit to ‘Mrs Smith’s cottage’ in Navenby next week (Thursday 2nd May). What an interesting experience that will be! 


WC 16th April 2024.

A busy and lovely first week back!

In English, we have been writing about the familiar story of Little Red Riding Hood. We have used lots of writing skills to create interesting sentences for the start of the story.  We particularly enjoyed going on a ‘virtual forest walk’ and used our senses to explore forest moss, bark, twigs, leaves, wild flowers and mud! We have reached the part in the story where the wolf is prowling nearby! We loved noticing all the wolf's scary features.

In Maths,  we are now learning to count within 50. We have completed missing numbers on number grids and tracks. We have used base ten to help us think about the tens and ones in each number. Look out for a number grid to 50 in your child's bag. See if you can challenge your child to count up to 50 using the grid to help them. Ask them to find different numbers and ask them how they knew where it would be positioned on the grid. See if they spot or can explain any number patterns!

In Geography, we have learnt that there’s more water than land on our planet! We have been learning about the different bodies of water and how they differ.  In PSHE, we thought about the importance of families and how no family is the same. In Art, we have began new exciting and vibrant learning about Pop Art. 😊 In RE, we have recapped our knowledge on the Christian Creation story ready to compare different Creation stories this term. In Music, we enjoyed our last weather music session with actions and singing about rolling thunder! Luckily we have had more sunshine for our playtimes this week!

Keep reading and have fun writing stories...We look forward to seeing you again on Monday!